Adult skills and training vital to UK ahead of Europe

We all continue to develop even after school and throughout our chosen aceerars though what is ever apparent is the need for Improving adult skills and training which is deemed vital for delivering Boris Johnson’s “levelling up” agenda to tackle regional inequality and improve gross GDP.

Whilst the pandemic has given many people a great great side hustle or even full-time jobs, in new light it’s clear that there are many problems facing parts of England but has the prime minister delivered having pledged to improve opportunities across the country following his landslide victory in 2019?

A new group has found that in the 43 constituencies that switched from Labour to Conservative at the last general election, a third more adults have no qualifications compared to the rest of the country.

Across the UK, 40 per cent of the population has qualifications equivalent to higher education. But in the “red wall” seats that figure fell to 31 per cent, according to the study that was published on Wednesday.

The research found that the same areas have lower life expectancy than the national average, including more alcohol-related deaths, and worse health outcomes with higher incidence of diabetes, obesity and depression.

Moreover, the study reported access to finance for small businesses in these 43 areas was also more difficult. The average loan was £3,205 compared to £4,555 nationally, while only half as many small businesses were successful in tapping equity finance compared to the national average.

Prof Matthew Goodwin, director of Legatum’s Centre for UK Prosperity, said the government’s so-called levelling up agenda could not be fulfilled alone “by providing better infrastructure such as bridges and trains”.

He added: “If we’re serious about levelling up, we’ve got to address the adult skills crisis, ensure SMEs can access the finance they need to flourish, and invest in improving people’s physical and mental health, as well as in the safety and security of local communities.”

The research highlighted the importance of improving skills and further education.

“With more funding now going to FE colleges, it is important education leaders reflect on how adult skills have managed to slip locally and how we can get back to offering better training for better jobs,” she said.
Improving access to finance for small businesses was as vital as skills and infrastructure.

“Levelling up doesn’t mean throwing money at things, it means identifying the areas that are holding back prosperity and then freeing people from those constraints so that they can live up to their true potential.”
First, let’s look at the following list that includes both soft training skills and hard.

Advanced research skills. One of the most important hard skills a trainer should master is research. ...
Strong communication skills. ...
Organizational skills. ...
Adaptability skills. ...
Enthusiasm for lifelong learning.

A good place to start could be leaning a good piece of Video editing software to showing your skills on Social media and beyond. All of which could make a great side hustle.

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
MarkMeets Media is British-based online news magazine covering showbiz, music, tv and movies

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