You are giving your 100%, working on your essay for weeks. Providing ample time to your research and ensuring to use every appropriate word from the Thesaurus, yet the marks you ideally desire are still far.
Giving a last-minute essay and getting an average marking is one thing. But, it is heartbreaking when you know the hard work and long hours you have placed in the same essay, and it is not bringing results.
You start comparing yourself to others who are closer to your desired yardstick of marks, leading to the spiral of self-criticism. This is why you should always know where you are going wrong rather than simply speculating on the worst.
In this excerpt below, we will discuss a few scenarios to help you understand where you are going wrong.
Where Does The Problem Lie
Judging from your essay, if you didn’t find much ground for the deduction, here are some other factors that can be the reason. You should check pointers before submitting your next essay to your professors.
1. The Structure Is Confusing
Maybe your essay has great content, but without the proper structure, it could be difficult for your professor to read. Whenever you are writing an essay or a paper in someone else’s eyes, do not connect them as experts.
Think of them as another layman trying to grasp the subject through your paper. Therefore, before making it interesting with fun facts and figures, you must make it simple and understandable.
Begin with creating a steady skeleton for your essay and pinpoint exactly what you would put under each sub-heading. Once your professors understand and can follow the rhythm through your writing, they will appreciate the ease. Teachers sometimes deduct marks for overcomplicating.
2. You Are Not Reading It Aloud
This might sound peculiar, but hear us out! You are not writing the essay for yourself; it is meant for the reader. Therefore, you must think from your reader’s perspective when editing. Especially whether this is a subject or a subject, the reader would find interest in.
Now, an easier way to do so is with the help of reading it out loud. Your ears will often be able to notice any unpolished amateurish writing, grammatical mistakes, or tone of the essay. Someone suffering from writing anxiety might have a hard time through this, but your essay writing skills will improve leaps and bounds if you do so.
The best way to do so is to stand in front of a mirror and read a speech. Put in the emotions and intonations, and then judge your essay.
3. The Topic Is Too Complicated
You believe that choosing an overtly complicated topic will reflect on your knowledge and research skill. Although it is not wrong, it is certainly not the formula to always fetch the highest marks on your essay.
Remember, your teachers are not ultimate scholars who have a thorough knowledge of every subject. Some subjects might interest them, but the others could be utterly tiresome, especially when they are already checking too many papers, and for yours, they have to constantly reach out for the dictionary.
The worst scenario would be choosing a complicated essay topic and being unable to implement it well. That simply makes you look amateurish and a little pretentious. Stick to subjects you like and would be able to present them well.
4. It Is A Last Minute Effort
No matter how many sleepless nights under the high of caffeine you have, an important essay will show the “last minute” in bold letters. Now, it might be unfair, but teachers do have a negative confirmation bias over last-minute submissions and late submissions.
On top of that, if the essay is executed well and the research is not adequate, then your professors will have too many grounds to deduct your marks.
5. You Are Not Getting A Feedback
Personal feedback is good, but it is not all. This means whenever you are on your way to sub, it is your final draft; get it read and reviewed by someone whose feedback you trust.
This will help you get a third person’s perspective on the matter and rectify certain mistakes. An extra step to prevent your professor from being the first person to read the first draft.
However, there is a catch to it. Remember not to overwhelm yourself with too many suggestions and feedback. Because then your writing will never be enough. Get two-three trusted individuals to read, and note it down before your final editing.
Note: You do not have to implement all the changes they suggest.
6. You Are Not Following The Guidelines
This is very important when you are writing an essay. Although creativity is allowed when it comes to essays, it is not a free card to not follow the protocols.
The guidelines could be in terms of formatting or even the essay topics through which you are allowed to choose. You can provide an interesting essay, but only after adhering to the subject ad protocols.
Other than that, if you have to make some changes against the guidelines, thinking it will bring more character to your essay, then do so only after consulting your teachers.
It Is Not Always Your Incompetent
Always blaming yourself for the poor marking on your essay can lead you to a fog of negativity and insecurity. Once you get your marks back, rather than overanalyzing, why not let someone go through it, and give you their honest opinion?
In such a case, at least you will have more clarity in regard to your mistakes. At times, essays are delayed or not well put because of a mental or physical ailment you were dealing through. If you are juggling work and academia, then the reason could be something entirely different.
All in all, if you sometimes find it difficult to finish an essay, do go through the expert portfolio of essay writing service Fresh Essays. Maybe this is the perspective that can fetch you more marks so that you can concentrate on your exams more.
Plus, it will give you a dive into how experts approach an essay and how it is different from yours.
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