Anakin Skywalker: The Chosen One in Star Wars

Anakin Skywalker’s role as the Chosen One in the Star Wars universe is a topic that has intrigued fans for years. George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, has confirmed Anakin’s status as the Chosen One. The Chosen One prophecy, originating from an ancient Jedi mystic, foretells that this individual will bring balance to the Force and eliminate the Sith. However, Anakin’s journey towards fulfilling this destiny is a complex one, marked by his struggles with control, attachment, and a descent into the Dark side. In this article, we will explore why Anakin is considered the Chosen One and how his path to redemption was an integral part of restoring balance to the Force.

Anakin Skywalker: The Chosen One

Anakin Skywalker, portrayed by Hayden Christensen, is unequivocally recognized as the Chosen One in the Star Wars saga. The Chosen One prophecy was established by an ancient Jedi mystic who had a vision of an individual possessing the power to restore balance to the Force. This restoration of balance required the eradication of the Sith, who had tipped the scales toward darkness.

The Chosen One’s conception was said to be a result of the midi-chlorians, indicating a unique connection to the Force. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn’s fascination with ancient Jedi prophecies and mysticism led him to the discovery of Anakin on Tatooine, a seemingly insignificant planet in the galaxy. This twist of fate set the stage for Anakin’s journey towards fulfilling his destiny.

The Complex Nature of Prophecies

Prophecies, as seen in Star Wars, often carry multiple interpretations. Those who glimpse their own future may struggle to remain objective, inadvertently taking actions to prevent the very future they fear. Anakin’s relentless pursuit to prevent his troubling visions from becoming reality ironically set those events in motion. His desire for control and inability to let go ultimately pushed him towards the Dark side, where he became obsessed with power and possession.

One of Anakin’s major flaws was his difficulty in letting go. Love and compassion, when twisted into attachment and possession, became a driving force behind his fall to the Dark side. His haunting visions of the future, particularly concerning his loved ones, fueled his descent into darkness.

Anakin’s Transformation into Darth Vader

Anakin’s path to becoming Darth Vader raised questions about whether he could still be considered the Chosen One. After all, his destiny was to destroy the Sith, yet he became a Sith Lord himself. The Chosen One prophecy did not specify the exact means by which this balance would be restored. It lacked a step-by-step guide and a predetermined time frame. Moreover, the prophecy did not explicitly state that the Chosen One must be a Jedi.

Yoda, the wise Jedi Master, suggested that the prophecy might have been misread, as Anakin’s emotional instability cast doubt on his ability to fulfill his destiny. Initially, the Jedi Order believed that Anakin would fulfill his destiny by becoming a powerful Jedi Knight, prepared to defeat the Sith when the time came. Anakin’s path, however, deviated from this linear progression as he made choices driven by his emotions and instincts.

The Intersection of Free Will and Destiny

Anakin’s character arc highlights the intricate interplay between free will and destiny. He became the Chosen One by actively choosing that path. His choices solidified his predetermined fate. Anakin’s struggle to control his future, driven by his visions, ironically led him to the very outcomes he sought to avoid. His choices, both good and bad, played a pivotal role in shaping his journey.

The philosophical debate of free will versus determinism is mirrored in Anakin’s story. His life was a mixture of both, as he exercised his free will within the framework of his destined role. His desire to prevent undesirable events was a catalyst for their occurrence, a concept relevant to real-life human experiences.

The Force’s Independence from Jedi and Sith

It’s essential to recognize that the Force does not exclusively belong to the Jedi or the Sith. Luke Skywalker’s statement in “The Last Jedi” emphasized that the Force transcends the Jedi. The Sith’s manipulation of the Force to assert dominance and power ultimately disrupts its balance. Conversely, the Jedi seek to maintain balance within themselves, acknowledging the coexistence of light and dark aspects within them.

The Jedi’s hubris led them to believe that only a Jedi could destroy the Sith, but this perspective oversimplified the Force’s nature. Anakin’s role as the Chosen One was not limited to being a Jedi. His destiny encompassed a broader understanding of the Force’s balance.

Embracing Darkness to Embrace the Light

Anakin’s redemption arc underscores the notion that one must confront both light and dark aspects within themselves to achieve true balance. Spending an equal amount of time on both sides of the Force—23 years each—Anakin’s journey was anything but linear. His experiences and choices shaped him.

Anakin’s path to redemption and fulfillment of his destiny required traversing the depths of darkness. His transition from Darth Vader to Anakin Skywalker epitomized the journey of self-discovery and redemption. By sacrificing his selfish desires and embracing compassion, he not only destroyed the Sith but also achieved inner balance.


Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One in Star Wars, embodies the complexity of destiny, free will, and the Force’s nature. His journey from a young slave on Tatooine to a Sith Lord and, ultimately, to redemption showcases the intricate interplay between light and dark. In restoring balance to the Force, Anakin confronted his own inner demons and made choices that reshaped his destiny. His story serves as a reminder that true balance arises from acknowledging and mastering both the light and dark aspects within oneself.

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Mohammad Mo
Senior TV Reporter

The former Big Brother contestant has been working with MarkMeets for 5+ years.

Often spotted on the red carpet interviewing for MarkMeetsTV.


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