Doja Cat admits she has issues when reacting to fans online

Doja Cat has acknowledged that she reacts to everything “really quick” and only realises she’s made a mistake later.

The Say So singer regularly interacts with her fans online and doesn’t hold back when responding to criticism, and earlier this year, she declared on Twitter she was quitting the music business and couldn’t wait to “disappear” into anonymity.

Speaking about her online outbursts Doja acknowledged that she reacts “impulsively” and doesn’t consider the consequences in the heat of the moment.

“They’re (the media are) like, ‘Oh, this can’t possibly be her simply having fun. She has to be out of her mind. She has to be cuckoo,'” she stated. “Also, I have a really bad impulse control; I like to react to things really quick. If I’m in the right mood, or the wrong mood, I will snap back and I’ll have fun doing it. It makes me feel better or it doesn’t, because then the reaction I get back is tenfold and I’m like, ‘Uh-oh, I made a mistake.'”

The Kiss Me More singer noted that she enjoyed getting reactions out of people in her early days on the Internet by posting pictures of herself “looking like a freak” with “crazy” make-up.

However, the 27-year-old has gone on a steep learning curve about her online antics since she’s become famous.

“I’m glad I do that because you have to look like an idiot to find out how not to be one. You have to know how to be a fool in order to know how not to be a fool. That’s all I’ve been learning,” she added.

Doja Cat Says She’s ‘Never Felt More Beautiful’ Since Shaving Her Head

The star reflected on her journey through playing with her look, and the range of reactions she gets online. “They’re like, ‘Oh, this can’t possibly be her simply having fun. She has to be out of her mind. She has to be cuckoo,’” she said. “Also, I have a really bad impulse control; I like to react to things really quick. If I’m in the right mood, or the wrong mood, I will snap back and I’ll have fun doing it.”

As for her latest ‘do, a shaved head and nonexistent eyebrows, Doja revealed that she’s loving it, despite at first thinking she looked like a “wrinkly penis.” “I have never felt more beautiful in my entire life, which is very strange. I felt beautiful when I had long hair. I definitely felt like a hot girl then, but I always do,” she explained. “There’s something so exhilarating about change; [it] showed me a different side of myself. I feel so new, fresh and sexy. I also feel better without make-up: having this bare head and so little make-up is a fun experience. It’s new, and I love it.”

She also shared her perspective surrounding her relationship with her body, something she said has grown. “Now, to me, beauty is going against [what society wants]. I love when you take something that is maybe classically beautiful and twist it and make it your own,” she shared. “For me, it’s more of an ‘are you happy?’ kind of thing. I want my fans to learn they don’t have to be like anyone else and the thing they want is already there. They just haven’t found it yet, and once they do they’ll be like, ‘How the f— did I not see it? How did I miss this?’”

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John Day
John Day is a seasoned sports writer and brings a unique blend of insightful analysis and covers the stories that matter most to sports enthusiasts everywhere.
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