Jessica Alba shares fitness secret

Jessica Alba maintains her slim figure by running after her daughters.

The ‘Sin City’ actress has revealed her secret to staying fit is to keep her children – Honor, six, and Haven, three – entertained by running around with them.

Jessica Alba shares fitness secret | MarkMeets News |
Jessica said: ”Running around after two little girls has become a permanent hobby which helps me to stay in shape: with my hectic schedule every little helps!”

Along with messing around with her girls, the starlet admitted that she uses exercise as a way to de-stress and enjoys a varied routine to keep her interested in the gym. She said: ”[It’s] hugely important to me – it is the foundation of any body care routine since it relieves the stress that often shows up on your body in other ways. I make sure to mix it up with yoga, hip hop dance and running to keep me interested.”

The 33-year-old beauty also explained that she maintains her flawless skin with a structured cleansing at the end of every day: ”I like to maintain a good beauty regime using the best products, with my skin being the most important. I like to keep to a routine as much as possible – so that even when my schedule is crazy there are always some elements that help me maintain looking and feeling good.”

For Jessica, looking good is what helps her feel well inside, and she maintains that outlook every day.

“Beauty reflects inner strength and your best self, whether you have make-up and hair done or not. I take ten minutes (true story!) of my morning make-up routine to check in and remind myself that I’ve got this – whatever ‘this’ is,” she explained

“But at the end of the day, my love of hats is also a lifesaver – no one can really tell whether it’s about the hat or the hair underneath it!” she laughed.

“It’s natural to feel self-conscious about our looks, it is so widely reported on in the media it is hard not to.”

She also tries to ignore the pressure of the showbiz world and insists she doesn’t “reply on the industry” to boost her confidence. She recommends sharing positive thoughts with each other as the best way to keep self-esteem high.

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