Kendall Jenner set to launch eye-shadow palette

20-year-old model appears to be following in the footsteps of her sister Kylie, 18, by branching out into the beauty industry as she has teamed up with Estée Lauder to release an eye-shadow palette next month.

Speaking an exclusive video for the brand, she explained: ”You guys, so this is my palette, I have my own Estée Edit palette. I’m low-key freaking out inside and I think my head is exploding.”

Kendall Jenner to launch eye-shadow palette

The pretty palette comes in eight different colours, two of which glow in the dark, but she’s adamant it’s simplistic.

She said: ”The palette is super me obviously because I created it. I’m very simple so a lot of the colours are simple.”

Kendall’s collaboration with Estée Lauder – of which she is also the face – comes just days after Kyle announced she was planning to release a nail collection following the success of her lip kit, which sold out within minute, last year.

She said recently: ”I feel like nails are very important to me. And it’s definitely another way of self-expression. I think it adds something to your style.”

Meanwhile, Kendall’s eye-shadow palette will hit Sephora stores from March at £33.57.

MarkMeets can reveal that Kendall Jenner’s eyebrows keep falling out from the amount of bleach used on them for when she’s on the catwalk.

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