6 Types of Online Games to Quench Your Boredom

After a long, hard day at work, or even as you sip on your morning cup of coffee, a good online game can take you away from the pressures of the world. These days, there are a great variety of options out there, and it can be tricky to find the ones that best suit your playing method. Whether you enjoy being intellectually stimulated, like a little risk, or just want something mind-numbingly simple, here are six types of online games to quench your boredom.

1. Word Games

Word games are everywhere on app stores, and there’s a reason for that! Both stimulating and fun, word games can increase your knowledge of vocabulary while completing a satisfying puzzle. There are plenty of word games out there that will introduce you to new words and challenge you to compete with other players.

2. Puzzles

Puzzles are not going anywhere any time soon. It’s just now, they are available on your phone and computer. Puzzles are a great way to activate the right side of your brain and keep your mind healthy and young. Imagine it as an exercise for your brain – the more you use it, the stronger it becomes!

3. Battle Royale Games

Over the years, battle royale games have become more and more popular. They are great for playing with your friends, letting you enjoy competitive fun while reaching for the glorious crown. You can play solo, alongside your friends, or against your friends, so they really do suit anyone who wants to engage in a little battle fun!

4. Online Casino

Gambling isn’t just walking into your local casino anymore; you can now place all your bets online! There are plenty of games you can engage in, with a chance of winning money while you play. Entertaining, colourful games will keep you both entertained and engaged while you’re waiting for a train or taking your lunch break.

5. Online Board Games

These days, you don’t have to physically sit with your friends to play your favourite board games. There are plenty of ways you can play them online! Whether you’re a fan of card games like Monopoly, or Cluedo, you can engage in all the fun from the comfort of your own homes.

6. RPGs

Role-playing games come in a large variety, so there is something to suit everyone. There are apps you can play as well as console games, so whether you’re on the go or sitting at home, you can indulge in a little role-playing. RPGs allow you to immerse yourself in another world, so if you’re stressed, you can sink away into another life, if only for a little while. 

Online games are becoming more and more developed over the years, and they will only get better. Enjoy your favourite type of games while you’re out and about on your phone, or simply connected to the internet at home, and let your boredom slip away.

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
MarkMeets Media is British-based online news magazine covering showbiz, music, tv and movies

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