‘InRealLife’ movie out this week on DVD

Here is our DVD release of the week at MarkMeet ‘InRealLife’

InRealLife, out this week on DVD | MarkMeets UK DVD releases |

InRealLife asks what exactly is the internet and what is it doing to our children? Taking us on a journey from the bedrooms of British teenagers to the world of Silicon Valley, filmmaker Beeban Kidron suggests that rather than the promise of free and open connectivity, young people are increasingly ensnared in a commercial world. Beguiling and glittering on the outside, it can be alienating and addictive. Quietly building its case, InRealLife asks if we can afford to stand by while our children, trapped in their 24/7 connectivity, are being outsourced to the net?

The movie is Perversion For Profit, a 1965 propaganda short on the dangers of the modern printing press, but it could just as easily be taken from Beeban Kidron’s latest documentary InRealLife, in which the 52-year-old director of Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason trawls around the internet, courageously Thinking Of The Children.

Backed by the kind of gloomy, discordant soundtrack that could make Miffy look sinister, the film delves into the online lives of a select group of teenagers, discovering to its horror that most of them would rather play videogames, take selfies and lust after the opposite sex than straighten up, fly right and do their chores. And no, the dramatic revelations don’t end there. Over the course of 90 minutes, you’ll be stunned to learn that online data isn’t actually stored in clouds, hardcore pornography is widely available on the internet, and the Pope is – in actual fact – a Catholic.

Against all odds, Kidron’s uninformed line of questioning (sample inquiry: “If the internet were like a subway map, how many stops would it have?”) does occasionally prompt a thoughtful response from one of her more knowledgable interviewees, often on a genuinely far-reaching issue like the market dominance of search-engine giant Google. But such interludes are merely the film’s way of marking time, until Kidron can return to the really weighty questions of the day, namely why teenagers aren’t acting like some of their more clean-cut predecessors and still driving their T-Birds down to the hop for a couple of shakes and a chili dog on a Saturday night.

[embedplusvideo height=”420″ width=”615″ editlink=”https://bit.ly/Kdi1ay” standard=”https://www.youtube.com/v/71pXYIwYpaU?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=71pXYIwYpaU&width=615&height=420&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep7777″ /]

Buy InReaLife on DVD now HERE –> InRealLife

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