Just Eat releases hilarious film to mark the opening of “Chief Takeaway Tester” role


JUST EAT is giving students the chance to apply for one of the coolest ‘jobs’ around: to become an ‘unofficial’ takeaway reviewer.


To mark this unique opportunity, the epic takeaway service has released a hugely entertaining short online video with the help of creative agency Don’t Panic.


Just Eat

The film is set in a typical student’s house, with the highly charismatic current Chief Takeaway Tester taking the viewer through his messy abode and introducing us to his quirky and typically student housemates. The unusual tour reveals the awesome benefits of free takeaways for one person and their friends, and will have viewers salivating over a role that could have them masticating for days on end!

Can you tell your bhuna from your biryani? Can you properly pronounce that thing you really like from the Chinese and always order? Have you lost Snapchat friends for posting too many pics of pizza? Then JUST EAT wants you!

Just Eat will then choose six winners from different regions in the country to win £50 worth of takeaway per month for the school year. The winners will also win a comfy onesie: the uniform of choice for the Chief Takeaway Tester, as well as a variety of kitchen utensils, such as chopsticks that will provide crucial assistance with their testing. Finally, they’ll get the opportunity to work with award-winning social media team to showcase their foody findings.

Watch the funny video below

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