What celebrity possessions would you buy if you hit a jackpot?

We’ve all done it haven’t we? We’ve bought a lottery ticket then mentally started spending the money. Usually, with this kind of thing, you suddenly find yourself in a bit of a panic as you realise  that ten million simply isn’t gonna be enough. After all, you need a couple of cars, a spare house in the south of France with a pool, then you need to give a bit to each of your family members and best mates and, before you know it, you “need” another ten million.

powerball lottery
But that’s not what we’re talking about here. OK, Ten million would be nice, but what would you do if you were to win the kind of money that some people have won on the Powerball lottery for example?

This is seriously big money. The U.S. Powerball lottery is the world largest mega lottery with jackpots expected to reach a whopping $1 billion over the next few years! And for just $2 (or £2 if you’re buying a ticket in the UK – which is perfectly do-able now) you can start planning how to dispose of it.

Of course, it may be more likely that you’ll be hit and killed by a meteorite or something, but someone has to win; someone like Gloria MacKenzie of Zephrhills, Florida who won $590.5 million (around £380 million) playing Powerball in May 2013 after eight straight rollovers. This set a new record for a lottery win – but you can bet someone will break it soon enough. So if that someone was you – what celebrity lifestyle essentials would you blow it on?

One of the UK’s big winners Michael Carroll certainly knew how to blow it all – literally with some of it. He won a £9.7 million ($15 million) jackpot in 2002, and quickly started to work his way through it on cocaine, parties, hookers and fast cars, though he did waste some of it! Michael was back to square one in just five years. Would you do the same?

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
MarkMeets Media is British-based online news magazine covering showbiz, music, tv and movies

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