What is McDonalds Net Worth?

Big Mac equal big profits, so it’s no surprise that McDonald’s is one of the world’s most powerful corporations.

But how much is McDonald’s worth, and how much money does it bring in on a daily basis?

According to the latest figures…

McDonald’s is worth a whopping $175.5billion – about £133billion.

It features as the 13th most valuable US brands of 2021, with a brand value – what someone would pay for it if it were for sale – of $155billion.

This is a 20% increase on the previous year, according to Statista.

In 2021, McDonald’s generated a staggering $23.2billion in worldwide revenue.

But it spent around $650million on global advertising in 2020 alone.

The chain disappointed customers when it removed the Chicken Big Mac from the menu this month, but it did bring back the Big Tasty in its place.

How much does McDonald’s make in a day?

There are around 39,000 outlets around the globe in more than 100 countries and territories.

These regularly serve an estimated 69 million customers.

It is not reported exactly how much McDonald’s makes each day, but it is widely acknowledged to be between $60million (£44million) and $70million (£51million).

McDonalds Current Valuation Analysis

McDonalds Corp’s Enterprise Value is a firm valuation proxy that approximates the current market value of a company. It is typically used to determine the takeover or merger price of a firm. Unlike Market Cap, this measure takes into account the entire liquid asset, outstanding debt, and exotic equity instruments that the company has on its balance sheet. When a takeover occurs, the parent company will have to assume the target company’s liabilities but will take possession of all cash and cash equivalents.

McDonald’s in Russia: departure is about a lot more than burgers. The shuttering of 850 McDonald’s franchises around the country is supposed to be temporary, but nothing about the war in Ukraine and the consequent exodus of western companies suggests the rift will be healed any time soon.

Some say the brand could still be worth  211.45 B  That is a lot of McNuggets!!

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Scott Baber
Scott Baber
Senior Managing editor

Manages incoming enquiries and advertising. Based in London and very sporty. Worked news and sports desks in local paper after graduating.

Email Scott@MarkMeets.com

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