5 Disney World Perks That Used To Be Free


I’ve been to Walt Disney World Florida and also Disney Land Paris 3x and yes it is expensive but an incredible holiday

To say that a vacation to Walt Disney World is now a lot more expensive than it used to be is one of the more obvious statements in the history of the theme park business. We see ticket prices increasing every year for guests planning once in a lifetime vacations, and Annual Pass prices also go up regularly for those who visit more often.

However, if there’s anything more frustrating than the thing that you’re playing for getting more expensive, it’s having to start paying for something that used to be free. We’ve seen that happen a lot in recent years, even just in recent months. Here are five things that used to be included in your Disney World experience that you will now lose unless you pay up.

Walt Disney World Resort Parking

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Mark Boardman
Mark Boardman
Mark Boardman is an established showbiz journalist and freelance copywriter whose work has been published in Business Insider, Daily Mail, Bloomberg, MTV, Buzzfeed and The New York Post amongst other press. Often spotted on the red carpet at celebrity events and film screenings, Mark is a regular guest on BBC Radio London and in-demand for his opinions for media outlets including Newsweek. His TV credits include This Morning, The One Show and T4. Email Mark@MarkMeets.com

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