How to win at blackjack basic strategy

Are you ready to take your blackjack game to the next level and increase your chances of winning? Mastering blackjack strategy is the key to success at the tables. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the essential strategies and tips to help you win consistently using basic blackjack strategy.

Understanding Blackjack Strategy

Before diving into gameplay, it’s crucial to understand the fundamentals of blackjack strategy. Blackjack strategy involves making mathematically sound decisions based on the cards you’re dealt and the dealer’s upcard. By following the optimal strategy in various scenarios, you can significantly improve your chances of winning.

Learning and Mastering Basic Strategy

The first step in winning at blackjack is mastering basic strategy. Basic strategy charts outline the recommended moves for every possible combination of player hand and dealer upcard. Memorizing and applying these strategies consistently is essential for maximizing your chances of success.

Practice Regularly

Practice makes perfect when it comes to mastering blackjack strategy. Take advantage of online casinos that offer free blackjack games to hone your skills without risking any money. Practice regularly to reinforce your understanding of basic strategy and improve your decision-making abilities at the tables.

Tips for Winning

In addition to mastering basic strategy, there are some additional tips that can help you win at blackjack:

  1. Manage Your Bankroll: Set a budget for your blackjack sessions and stick to it. Avoid chasing losses and know when to walk away.
  2. Choose the Right Table: Look for blackjack tables that offer favorable rules, such as 3:2 payouts for blackjack and the ability to double down on any two cards.
  3. Avoid Insurance Bets: Insurance bets may seem tempting, but they rarely offer good value in the long run. Avoid taking insurance bets to maximize your winnings.
  4. Pay Attention to Table Rules: Different tables may have varying rules regarding things like splitting, doubling down, and payouts. Familiarize yourself with these rules before placing your bets.
  5. Stay Focused: Concentration is key in blackjack. Avoid distractions at the table and stay focused on the game to make informed decisions.

How to Play Blackjack Basic Strategy

Playing blackjack with basic strategy involves making mathematically optimal decisions based on the cards you’re dealt and the dealer’s upcard. Here’s a step-by-step guide to playing blackjack using basic strategy:

  1. Study the Basic Strategy Chart: Familiarize yourself with the basic strategy chart, which outlines the recommended moves for every possible combination of player hand and dealer upcard.
  2. Assess Your Hand: Evaluate the value of your hand and determine the appropriate action based on the basic strategy chart. Consider factors such as whether you have a hard total, soft total, or pair of cards.
  3. Consider the Dealer’s Upcard: Take note of the card the dealer is showing before making your decision. The dealer’s upcard will influence your strategy and help you determine the best course of action.
  4. Make Your Decision: Once you’ve assessed your hand and the dealer’s upcard, follow the guidelines outlined in the basic strategy chart to make your decision. This may involve hitting, standing, doubling down, or splitting your hand, depending on the situation.
  5. Repeat for Each Hand: If you’re playing multiple hands or in a multi-player game, repeat the process for each hand you’re dealt. Apply basic strategy consistently to maximize your chances of success across all hands.

By following these steps and adhering to basic strategy principles, you can make more informed decisions at the blackjack table and improve your overall performance over time.

What Are the Odds of Winning Blackjack with Perfect Strategy

The odds of winning blackjack with perfect strategy depend on various factors, including the specific rules of the game, the number of decks in play, and the skill level of the player. However, with perfect strategy, the house edge in blackjack is typically around 0.5% or less.

What Is the Best Strategy for Blackjack

The best strategy for blackjack is to use basic strategy, which involves making mathematically optimal decisions based on the cards you’re dealt and the dealer’s upcard. Basic strategy charts outline the recommended moves for every possible combination of player hand and dealer upcard, allowing players to maximize their chances of winning.

How to Use a Blackjack Strategy Card

Using a blackjack strategy card is a convenient way to reference basic strategy guidelines while playing. Here’s how to use a blackjack strategy card effectively:

  1. Obtain a Strategy Card: Purchase or print a blackjack strategy card that outlines the recommended moves for different player hands and dealer upcards.
  2. Keep the Card Handy: Keep the strategy card easily accessible while playing blackjack. You can hold it in your hand or place it on the table for quick reference.
  3. Refer to the Card: When faced with a decision at the blackjack table, consult the strategy card to determine the optimal play for your current situation. Follow the guidelines outlined on the card to make informed decisions and maximize your chances of winning.
  4. Practice Regularly: Use the strategy card during practice sessions to reinforce your understanding of basic strategy and improve your decision-making skills at the tables.

By using a blackjack strategy card, you can ensure that you’re making the most mathematically sound decisions possible and increase your odds of winning at the blackjack table.

How to Remember Basic Strategy for Blackjack

Remembering basic strategy for blackjack may seem challenging at first, but with practice and repetition, it can become second nature. Here are some tips to help you remember basic strategy more effectively:

  1. Break It Down into Sections: Instead of trying to memorize the entire basic strategy chart at once, break it down into smaller sections and focus on mastering one section at a time.
  2. Use Mnemonics or Memory Aids: Create mnemonics or memory aids to help you remember the correct plays for different situations. For example, you could use phrases like “always split aces and eights” or “double down on 11 against dealer 2-10” to recall specific rules more easily.
  3. Practice Regularly: Repetition is key to memorizing basic strategy. Practice playing blackjack online or with a deck of cards, referring to the basic strategy chart or strategy card as needed.
  4. Test Yourself: Quiz yourself regularly to reinforce your memorization efforts. Cover up parts of the basic strategy chart or strategy card and try to recall the correct plays for different scenarios.
  5. Stay Patient and Persistent: Memorizing basic strategy takes time and effort, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t master it overnight. Stay patient and persistent in your practice, and trust that your efforts will pay off in the long run.

By following these tips and staying dedicated to your memorization efforts, you can become proficient in basic strategy and improve your overall performance at the blackjack table.

Who Invented Basic Strategy for Blackjack

The concept of basic strategy for blackjack has been around for decades, but its origins are somewhat unclear. Some sources credit Roger Baldwin, Wilbert Cantey, Herbert Maisel, and James McDermott, who published a paper in 1956 titled “The Optimum Strategy in Blackjack.” Others attribute the development of basic strategy to earlier mathematicians and analysts who studied the game of blackjack and devised optimal playing strategies.

Blackjack Strategy Easy Tips to Know When to Hit or Stand in Blackjack

Knowing when to hit or stand in blackjack is crucial for success at the tables. Here are some easy tips to help you make the right decisions:

  1. Hard Totals: If you have a hard total (a hand without an ace), follow these guidelines:
    • If your total is 8 or less, always hit.
    • If your total is 17 or more, always stand.
    • If your total is between 12 and 16, hit if the dealer’s upcard is 7 or higher, otherwise, stand.
  2. Soft Totals: If you have a soft total (a hand with an ace), follow these guidelines:
    • If your total is 17 or less, always hit.
    • If your total is 19 or more, always stand.
    • If your total is between 18 and 19, hit if the dealer’s upcard is 9, 10, or ace, otherwise, stand.
  3. Pairs: If you have a pair of cards, follow these guidelines:
    • Always split aces and eights.
    • Never split fours, fives, or tens.
    • Split other pairs if the dealer’s upcard is 6 or lower.

By following these easy tips, you can make more informed decisions about when to hit or stand in blackjack and increase your chances of winning at the tables.

What Is R in Blackjack Strategy

In blackjack strategy, “R” typically stands for “stand.” When consulting a basic strategy chart or strategy card, you may see the letter “R” used to indicate that the recommended play is to stand (i.e., not request any additional cards).

How to Read Blackjack Basic Strategy Card

Reading a blackjack basic strategy card is straightforward once you understand how it’s structured. Here’s how to interpret a basic strategy card effectively:

  1. Player Hand: Look for the row corresponding to your current hand total along the left side of the card. This could be a hard total, soft total, or pair of cards.
  2. Dealer Upcard: Identify the column corresponding to the dealer’s upcard along the top of the card. This represents the card the dealer is showing before any additional cards are dealt.
  3. Recommended Action: Find the intersection of the row representing your hand and the column representing the dealer’s upcard on the card. The cell in this intersection indicates the recommended action for your current situation, such as hitting, standing, doubling down, or splitting.
  4. Follow the Guidelines: Refer to the basic strategy card whenever you’re unsure of the correct play in a particular situation. Follow the guidelines consistently to make the most mathematically sound decisions and maximize your chances of winning.

By mastering basic strategy and using a basic strategy card as a reference, you can make more informed decisions at the blackjack table and improve your overall performance over time.


Winning at blackjack requires a combination of skill, strategy, and discipline. By mastering basic blackjack strategy and following these tips, you can increase your odds of winning and enjoy more successful gaming sessions at the tables.

So, what are you waiting for? Start studying basic strategy, practice regularly, and get ready to win big at the blackjack table!

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Dan Dunn
Executive Managing editor

Editor and Admin at MarkMeets since Nov 2012. Columnist, reviewer and entertainment writer and oversees all of the section's news, features and interviews. During his career, he has written for numerous magazines.

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