Useful Information about VINs

The VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a special number combination that contains basic information about the vehicle. This code reflects information about the car, such as country of manufacture, year of manufacture, characteristics, etc. Please note that the numbers stamped on the body of the transport must match those indicated in the datasheet.

When did VIN Appear?

Since the creation of the first cars, it has become necessary to identify them. Manufacturers created the first VIN code in the middle of the 20th century. During this period, the production of automobiles became massive. The VIN code was finally formed in 1981 when uniform rules for its use were adopted. Nowadays, every car owner has the opportunity to check FaxVIN for all the information about the vehicle using the VIN code, and this information is kept in the public domain.

There are specific standards when it comes to the VIN code. It consists of 17 characters. Each character of the code carries certain information:

  • The first 3 characters indicate the country of the vehicle manufacturer.
  • The following six characters report the vehicle’s features: the drive, transmission, model, and body type.
  • The last eight characters indicate the car’s date and place of assembly.

Where can the code be found?

The VIN code can be located in various places of the car. Most often, manufacturers place it under the hood or on other non-removable parts of the body. It is done so that the code cannot be faked. Potential locations where the VIN code can be placed:

  • In a specially designated place next to the windshield.
  • Near the door post.
  • In the engine compartment.

Checking the VIN code will not take much time. Just look under the hood and other popular placements, open the decryption site and find all the car information.

What Information does the VIN contain?

First of all, the car’s owner or future buyer can find out information about the date of assembly of the car, as well as the manufacturer and model. This unique code is used to record and identify the vehicle. What information can be obtained using the VIN code:

  • Is the car used as collateral?
  • Presence of an accident.
  • Vehicle history.
  • The number of car owners.

Deciphering the VIN code is very simple. First, find information about the marking and the meaning of the combination of numbers. Modern technology allows you to scan the code thanks to various existing applications for smartphones. Find an app that has a VIN decoding feature, point your phone camera and scan the code. All available information on the vehicle will appear on the screen. Thus, the decryption will be done quickly and without much effort.

How to get verified?

Sometimes people can face several problems with the VIN code. Car thieves are looking for ways to replace the car element and change the vehicle identification number. It can be impossible to verify the authenticity of the number yourself. But you can contact a car service to check your VIN. A forged VIN code may not visually differ from the original. If you plan to purchase a car, it is better to contact the auto service and verify the vehicle’s authenticity with the help of a professional.

Author Profile

Lee Clarke
Lee Clarke
Business And Features Writer


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