Star Wars: Episode VII begins filming on May 14 and after the casting announcement earlier this week there wasn’t anything special left to be revealed today as Star Wars fans celebrate what has been come to be called “Star Wars Day”… so director J.J. Abrams and Episode VII co-writer Lawrence Kasdan issued the following greeting from London.
I guess one thing fans can be excited about is Abrams does say there will be more “casting announcements”, plural, and with only ten days left until filming, perhaps it will be a busy ten days of news on the Star Wars front.
Over the last week the Star Wars rumor mill focused on the unannounced but widely reported spinoff films tentatively planned to fill in the gaps between numbered Episodes in the main ongoing saga. Star Wars: Episode VII relaunches the franchise in late 2015, followed by at least two of these so-called unrelated-to-the-saga “origins” films based on the iconic characters Han Solo and bounty hunter Boba Fett.
While there’s been quite a lot of speculation and reports regarding story ideas, directors and writers for these spinoffs, first and and most importantly, Lucasfilm and parent company Disney need to get Episode 7 off the ground. That means carefully crafting a story that works for fans, new and old, that honors the larger franchise and successfully pushes it into a new and exciting direction. Much of that will come down to casting.
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J.J. Abrams commented on the absurd amount of unverifiable rumors and while many of them are fake, whether by unreliable sources or made up entirely for attention, the director (who with the help of Lawrence Kasdan rewrote the Episode VII script) did confirm one of the recently buzzed about names associated with the project.
The good news is that with production on Star Wars: Episode VII beginning in the coming months in London, there will be loads of official casting confirmations soon, putting at least some of the sets of rumors to rest. The bad news is that we’re still dealing with the issues of misinformation and rumors when it comes to all of the upcoming superhero films from DC Entertainment and Marvel Studios that are stealing as many headlines than Star Wars. At least it’s all mostly fun to talk about.
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