Channing Tatum admits a Gambit movie is the in works

Channing Tatum “Gambit movie is happening as much as it can”

The 34 year-old movie star admits that at the moment the movie is not in his hands and staff are currently getting the relevant legalities and paperwork done.

Channing Tatum admits a Gambit movie is the in works. | film News |
He said: ”Gambit is about as happening as it possibly can. Right now it’s just with the lawyers and they’re all doing their stuff that I’m not involved in, but I’m about as in as I could possibly be.”

Tatum loved the Marvel Comics character and is planning to ”change up” the portrayal of him.

He stated: ”We talked story, we’re getting into it–we’re gonna try to change up the superhero-type movie, maybe give us something a little different. In my opinion, Gambit is an outlier in the X-Men [universe], he’s not a good guy in a way. He smokes, he drinks, he’s chasing women, he’s a thief. I’m not like an X-Men head but I just love him.”

There are still a number of details which need to be worked out later in the production process.

Tatum added: ”[It could] possibly [be rated R], but I don’t think they’ll ever–I don’t know, we’re still in the very, very, early, early stages. We don’t even have a writer, we just talked very, very early stuff.”

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