Godzilla Movie Remake Marks Film’s 60th Anniversary

The trailer for the sci-fi reboot of Godzilla has been revealed, almost 60 years after the iconic Japanese film hit the big screen.

The highly-anticipated movie, which opens in 2014, is from little-known British director Gareth Edwards, who has gone from working with a budget of around £10,000 to £100m in just three years.

Godzilla Movie Trailer 2014
Godzilla Movie Remake Marks Film’s 60th Anniversary

Edwards found prominence with his debut feature film Monsters, the 2010 indie which he wrote, directed and worked on the visual effects with a shoestring budget and a crew of just five or six people.

His economical multi-tasking paid off, earning the film critical acclaim, bringing Edwards to the attention of Hollywood and ultimately landing him the director’s job for Warner Bros’ latest blockbuster.

“I want it to be epic. I want to get the hairs on the back of your neck up,” the Nuneaton-born director said.

He compared the moment he first saw Godzilla on screen with seeing an ultrasound scan of an unborn baby during a pregnancy.

“I suddenly remembered I was making this iconic movie,” he added.


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Godzilla stars Bryan Cranston as a scientist, Aaron Taylor-Johnson as a soldier and Elizabeth Olsen as his nurse wife.

Marking the 60th anniversary of the Godzilla movie, the new film will hark back to the original, tracking the giant radioactive monster as it wreaks destruction on mankind.

The movie will be shown in 2D, 3D and in Imax cinemas from May 16, 2014.

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