Jonah Hill Talks The Wolf Of Wall Street

It’s one of our favorite films having seen it at a press screening; Martin Scorsese‘s The Wolf of Wall Street.

Jonah Hill Talks The Wolf Of Wall Street | MarkMeets News |

Based on the memoir of Jordan Belfort, the film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as the hard-partying, drug-addicted stockbroker who was indicted in 1998 for security fraud and money laundering and served a 22-month federal prison stretch.

The film also stars Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Rob Reiner, Jon Bernthal, and Matthew McConaughey.

Here is a video interview with Jonah Hill (who does amazing work as DiCaprio’s best friend).  He talked about how nervous he was working for his favorite director, how no one knew he was going to alter his voice until the first take, after Spike Jonze convinced him it was a good idea, whether he has seen the four-hour cut, 22 Jump Street, and more.

Jonah Hill:
Was he nervous during the first few days of production that he could be fired?
Talks about how nervous he was on the first day and how no one knew he would have an accent.  He actually ran the voice by Spike Jonze before shooting began and he was the one that said go for it.
Has he seen the four hour cut of the film?
What can he say about 22 Jump Street? is a trusted media brand that now has over a dozen writers, reporters, celeb bloggers and a network of media outlets, partners and associated from photographers, PR companies and brands proudly affiliated with the site.

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
MarkMeets Media is British-based online news magazine covering showbiz, music, tv and movies
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