Matthew McConaughey wants more challenging movie roles

Matthew McConaughey is pleased that Dallas Buyers Club was so challenging.

The The Wedding Planner  movie star Matthew McConaughey wanted a project that “spooks” him.

Matthew McConaughey wants more challenging movie roles | MarkMeets Movie News |
The actor stars alongside Jared Leto in Dallas Buyers Club and is nominated for an Oscar for his portrayal of AIDS sufferer Ron Woodroof.

He was previously known for roles in films such as Magic Mike and Fool’s Gold but Matthew decided he wanted to break out of the rom-com mould.

“I remember I was sitting there and was getting a lot of the same submissions, some comedy, some action. and I remember I was reading something and thinking, ‘I like that, but I could do that next week.’ I wanted to read something that spooks me, scares me, challenges me and makes me think, ‘I don’t know what I’m going to do with that but I can’t wait to find out,'” he explained.

The star says the film has caused him to “challenge authority” more in his own life.

Jared also spoke about the haunting effect his character Rayon has had on him.

“I think that when you do something like this it can’t help but change how you see the world; it was beautiful and heart breaking,” he said.

The actor and 30 Seconds to Mars frontman lost a huge amount of weight for the part.

He knew it was always going to be a tough challenge.

“I dove in head first and there was no water in the pool. It’s a challenge, that’s part of what’s so attractive and I knew that going in. The weight loss, dialect, waxing of the body and the intense regimen of research.

“It involved talking to transgender people and studying what it’s like to tell people who you really are and bringing more feminine attributes into your daily life,” Jared explained.

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