The year 2014 has officially begun and Sony decided there’s no better way to promote the forthcoming movie than release a brand new promo video for Marc Webb‘s The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

MarkMeets were sent the footage which shows the villain Electro, played by Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx, attacking Times Square and some shots of Spider-Man swinging in to save the day along with Spider-Man co-creator Stan Lee introducing the new clip.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

The video also includes a cameo by other villains that are going to show up in the second installment like Rhino (Paul Giamatti), OsCorp Industries head honcho Norman Osborn (Chris Cooper) and his son Harry (Dane DeHaan).

Marvel’s upcoming sequel comes to theaters May 2nd, 2014 and stars Andrew Garfield, Foxx, Emma Stone, Sally Field, Giamatti, Denis Leary, Cooper, DeHaan, Martin Sheen.

Check out new TV Spot featuring the famous web-slinger standing at the top of the New Year’s Eve ball as well as an exclusive Times Square clip from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 which debuted at the Ball Drop celebration.

Spider-Man Swings Into Time’s Square

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Exclusive content

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