Indian actor and filmmaker R Madhavan’s directorial debut Rocketry: The Nambi Effect will receive its world premiere in Cannes on May 19 as part of the celebration of India as the official country of honor at the Cannes Market this year. Check out some exclusive new photos above and below.
The film is not part of the festival’s Official Selection, but kicks off a tradition that the market will continue as it designates countries of honor during future editions. This being the 75th Cannes, Rocketry notably coincides with 75 years of Indian independence. India’s Ministry of Culture selected the film for its red carpet premiere in Cannes.
The biographical drama was shot simultaneously in multiple languages including Hindi, Tamil and English, with the English version showing in Cannes. The theatrical release is set for July 1 and will also feature Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada versions.
Madhavan (Tanu Weds Manu, 3 Idiots) plays the role of the eponymous Nambi Narayanan, a former Indian Space Research Organization scientist and aerospace engineer. Madhavan also wrote and produces the film.
The big scale production was shot in India, France, Canada, Georgia, Serbia and Russia. It features an ensemble cast including Downton Abbey’s Phyllis Logan, Vincent Riotta (House Of Gucci) and Ron Donachie (Game Of Thrones), alongside Madhavan, Simran, Rajit Kapur, Ravi Raghavendra, Misha Ghoshal, Gulshan Grover, Karthik Kumar and Dinesh Prabhakar, with special appearances from Shah Rukh Khan and Suriya.
Rocketry traces the life of Narayanan, renowned for developing the Vikas Engine — one of the most efficient, liquid fuel engines in the world that continues to be a workhorse at the ISRO in almost every launch with the unique distinction of never having failed. However, the former ISRO scientist and aerospace engineer was ultimately embroiled in a spy scandal. The film unveils the truth behind the mystery as it unravels in an interview by Shah Rukh Khan (in English and Hindi) and Suriya Sivakumar (in Tamil) on a TV program.
Speaking about Rocketry: The Nambi Effect’s world premiere during Cannes, Madhavan “I feel very honored and privileged to be attending Cannes for the very first time and yet very nervous deep in my guts. But then, I keep reminding myself that all I ever wanted was to really tell a story, a story that possessed me and I just wanted to put it out there.”
Rocketry: The Nambi Effect is produced by TriColour Films, Varghese Moolan Pictures and 27th Investments. The film is being distributed by UFO Moviez in India, with Red Giants distributing in the south. Yash Raj Films and Phars Film Co have international rights.
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