Jon Batiste’s Best Songs | MARKMEETS Entertainment


Jon Batiste is a 35 years old, singer and songwriter and has already established himself with a successful music career. Not only is he the bandleader of the live band on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” but he also earned several awards, including an Oscar and a Grammy, for composing the score for the acclaimed Disney Pixar film “Soul.”

And it mustn’t be forgotten that the musician makes his own music. He absolutely dominated the 2022 Grammys, winning a total of five Grammy awards out of his 11 nominations. Batiste’s nominations spanned several categories: he took home the Grammy for album of the year for his 2021 neo-soul album “We Are,” and his song “Cry” won two Grammys in the American roots performance and American roots song categories. Batiste was recognized for his work in “Soul,” earning a Grammy for best score soundtrack for visual media, and he also won the award for best music video for “Freedom”.

Jon Batiste’s work spans more than 15 years and expands beyond just his most recent releases. In light of the jazz singer’s incredible night at the Grammys, here is a selection of some of Batiste’s best songs over the years. (We capped this list at 10, because it would have gone on forever otherwise!)

“FREEDOM” by Jon Batiste

Batiste opened up about the meaning behind “Freedom” and its Grammy-winning music video to Apple Music, sharing, “If you think about movies back in the day, you wouldn’t show a Black man with a white woman, or you wouldn’t show a Black relationship, or you wouldn’t show a woman in a certain role. That is our sexuality and how people are represented. That’s what people like James Brown, or when we saw Elvis with the twist in the hips, did. They were unlocking something in people that they were trying to hold in. These people became beacons of freedom, and you look at the way they move and the way that they express who they are onstage. That becomes the way that you want to be in life.”

“CRY” by Jon Batiste

While “Freedom” has an upbeat, lively tempo, “Cry” is a slower, more relaxed song with a heavier theme. “Why sometimes does it seem like all I want to do / All I wanna do is cry, cry, cry,” Batiste sings on the track.

“L.O.V.E.” by Yung Bae feat. EARTHGANG, Jon Batiste, and Sherwyn

When you see Yung Bae’s name behind a track, you know the song is going to be a bop. Add Batiste, EARTHGANG, and Sherwyn, and it’s sure to be iconic. This funky, upbeat track about having fun and spreading love’s rousing chorus sees Batiste join a kids choir in singing the absolutely infectious lines, “L-O-V-E (That’s how you spell what you mean to me) / Everybody (Clap your hands and stomp your feet).”

“It’s All Right” by Jon Batiste and Celeste

Batiste’s contributions to “Soul” are unparalleled. “It’s All Right” is a cover of the familiar 1963 song of the same name by The Impressions. Somehow, Batiste managed to preserve the song’s nostalgic vibes while adding a modern twist, and transforming it into his own sound as well. Calming, light, and soft, the song is undoubtedly one of his great works.

“I NEED YOU” by Jon Batiste

The moment you press play on “I Need You,” you pick up on Batiste’s jazz influences. The strings, bass, and piano give the song a timeless feeling while Batiste’s lyrics make it modern. “I Need You,” like many songs on the “We Are” album, have a common theme of pushing through difficult times through human connection. Batiste sings, in part, “In this world with a lot of problems / All we need is a little loving / Thank you, thank you, oh, you make me / Thank you, thank you for your love.”

“ADULTHOOD” by Jon Batiste feat. BJ The Chicago Kid and Hot 8 Brass Band

“Adulthood,” like its title suggests, explores growth. The lyrics describe the process of a boy finding his soul as phenomenal and emotional. “That’s like how it is when you’re young and you got fire; you’re figuring out who you are and you’re looking at the world around you. And people give you advice, and you hear all these things about the past,” Batiste told Apple Music about the inspiration behind the understated, but meaningful track. “You’re trying to reconcile it all. Then, all of a sudden, you’re an adult.”

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Renée Bourke

Renée has carried out many celebrity interviews for us from boybands to hanging backstage at showbiz parties. The Aussie stars acting credits include Home and Away + Across The Pond.


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