One Direction star Harry Styles prefers British girls

1D hunk Harry Styles is one of the most fancied stars in music and whilst he has been linked to women including Taylor Swift, the good news is that he still prefers British girls

Harry Styles is not dating American reality TV star Kendall Jenner and intends to only date British girls in the future.

One Direction star Harry Styles prefers British girls

The One Direction singer was linked to Jenner, of Keeping Up with the Kardashians fame, after the two were spotted out together in Hollywood – before hooking up again in New York two weeks later.

But the Daily Star has reported a source close to the band as saying that Harry has no intention of making the US socialite his girlfriend.

Indeed, the insider claims that the floppy-haired heartthrob described her as “one of the most bring people” he had met.

“Harry finds Kendall very attractive but finds her personality practically nonexistent.

“Harry has a very dry, British humour and thinks he’d be better off with an English girl who gets his sarcasm,” they added.

Harry is beginning to tire of being quizzed constantly about his celebrity lifestyle and yearns for a more simple life.

They quoted another friend of the Little Things singer as saying: “Harry is a really down-to-earth guy and he appreciates the opportunities he has in front of him but he’s really struggling with certain aspects of fame.”

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