It all seems very easy to look at others and find good but when comparing yourself to others, remember that we do not all start in the same position.
Below are some insightful tips and pieces of advice that may help find you some inner peace or maybe a little motivation to keep going forward to what you want to be.
Just think to yourself each time we compare ourselves to others (and we do all the time), that everyone else does not find it plain sailing like we think they do.
Everyone struggles at some things and that’s why teams perform better than individuals.
So let’s kick things off by looking at the quick-wins and in a more structured way, as we all tend to complicate everything we do. One thing we all can admit is having lost touch with someone special to us but do you really need that relationship or can you make news one’s?
Let’s take a look so relax and enjoy 10 tips to improve who you are and to be a better version of yourself.
How to be a better person
How we treat people says a lot about a person’s real self and being true to yourself is a must. Yes, we can have a persona on a day-to-day basis, but getting that level right all the time is tricky. Let’s start with the bare basics, which start with you actually wanting to work on yourself first and foremost. So, you may truly want to become a better person, and you know you can do it, even if it takes a little support from friends or self-inspiration.
Making just one change each day really can make a big difference in just a short time span.
1. Learn to accept what you’ve done.
Yes, I know you want to be a better person, but if you really want to know how to be a better person, then improving the past is a good start. This includes picking up old relationships or finishing that project that has sat unfinished for months or even years.
So, how can you be a better person if you accept and continue to hide your past? Now, you don’t have to go on a TV show to discuss your innermost thoughts; you just need to accept what you have done be more humble and dish out some ‘Sorry’s’ but only if you really mean it off course.
2. Cut the excuses
It is easy to find reasons as to why something did not work, but be positive about the learning process. Just think about everything you’ve to achieve so far or not and with that said you probably have a list of excuses as to why you did what you did. Believe me, no one wants to hear the excuses. Reduce finger-pointing and accept that mistakes happen, but learn from them and become the person you want to be.
3. Develop the ability to forgive yourself and others
It’s one of the hardest ones, and it’s still early on, but this isn’t going to be easy for many readers. If resenting someone is what makes you wake up and go to work, then it shouldn’t be like that. This isn’t about them deep-down, it’s about you. Holding those feelings from a bad relationship; an event that did not go as planned, and always resenting that person will only hold you back, and keep those negative feelings and memories more alive than necessary.
4. Work on your honesty
Being open to others can win you friends for life if you really have good intentions but this is a life skill we all have trouble with. When we think about bad people, we all tend to associate them with dishonesty or having a bad character and that’s how things can get tricky – managing relationships.
Whilst it could be that you have knowingly have been lied to in the past, and from that feeling, you find yourself now acting in the same way too. It’s time to improve and learn to go grow from that past anger and take it up a level on being an honest person with yourself and others. There’s nothing wrong with expressing your inner feelings and thoughts. If anything you will probably find people respect you more for it.
5. Act in ways that are not motivated by self-interest
“I deserve a little treat” and many of the actions we like to do are self-motivated for our own benefit. Over the years, we have learned that it is better to give, especially if you are in a position emotionally, financially, or organised enough to have the time available. We may be lucky to have two of these but rarely all three.
Gym-goers are a good example of self-motivation in a positive wat as you work out because it improves your health and general appearance. You wouldn’t go otherwise, right? But try out things that don’t actually benefit you. For example, if you want to know how to be a better person, then just take small steps daily towards being one, or do a good deed and help someone take their shopping to the car, or pay for the coffee of the person behind you.
6. Listen
It’s not an interview, but listening still in today’s day and age is low, unfortunately, leading to many of life’s areas of “I told you about this,” which is a headache in itself, so here’s the thing: though in front of someone, most of the time, we’re not listening. Instead, we’re already thinking of the next thing to say (How true it this!!) or of a story, we want to share. See what I mean by self-interest? This is the life skill you need to master and practice becoming an active listener, so if you want to develop better connections between yourself and others – don’t leave it to chance, get started today.
7. Make a list of your beliefs and values
This does not have to be goals, but is a process for you to set your own boundaries and work out what is important to you. Sometimes we disconnect from ourselves and get lost and tied up in a world that doesn’t necessarily represent just what we really are.
Let’s say that you are travelling on the train or have 20 minutes left on your lunch break, then here is your opportunity: add a voice note or email yourself what is important to you and even when you want to achieve it. Invest in yourself and take some time to write down your true beliefs and values, however unrealistic they may be at the time. Reconnect with yourself once again and know what you believe in. It helps you stay on track with who you think you are and the right direction you want to go in.
8. Don’t be scared to give but do not expect to receive
Easy one, why not buy flowers for a family member at random one day to make them feel better and to show them how much you love and value them, or treat a friend to coffee? Don’t be afraid to give though often people are concerned about whether they’ll be paid back, but do not let that be your main concern. Try to always do something for the right reason and do not make a big deal about it or film it. You ought this person a coffee because you want to, not because they buy the next one, so don’t be scared to give but please don’t expect to receive.
9. Do you currently prioritise yourself?
Yes, but not always when we can share. Health and welfare are paramount, and I would be a fool to tell you to not put yourself first – who wouldn’t? So make time to not connect with others but also actively listen, and carry out tasks without self-interest. However, you do have one go and should be number one in your life. What does this mean, though? Have clear goals for yourself and make sure that whatever it is that you want to achieve, you do it. Part of this could lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle.
10. Pay attention
Instead of always reminiscing, live in the present moment – ask yourself, “What do I have to look forward to in the future, and how can I enjoy the now?” We’re so connected to social media and our phones in general that we completely disconnect from what’s happening around us, with social media focused on the same channels. Now, this won’t necessarily make you a better person., but by not being on your phone 8hrs a day, you will discover a lot more time and become ever so present.
You should begin to see things that you wouldn’t have seen and have conversations that you normally wouldn’t have. Every single person we meet is a new experience so take the positive mindset, seek your goals and find like-minded people who can help you get there. This is step one but a start is better than not giving it a go, so get cracking right now and share your thoughts and successes below.
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Deputy Editor
Features and account management. 3 years media experience. Previously covered features for online and print editions.
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