Five Realities Of Long Distance Relationships

Can Long-Distance Relationships Work?

Long-distance relationships can be challenging, but they are not impossible. With advances in technology and communication, it is easier than ever to stay in touch with loved ones who are far away.

People in long-distance relationships can develop jealousy towards their partner’s local friends, often complaining that they spend “too much time” with them. There is also the risk of your partner developing an intimate relationship or falling in love with someone else while you are away

The harsh facts of long distance relationships can be emotionally draining and challenging to overcome. Yet, despite their complexity, about 14 million couples in the U.S. say they live at least 100 miles or more apart from their partners. In this post, we’ll explore five reasons that contribute to a 40% break-up rate within an average of 5 months apart. In addition, we’ll also present a case study of one such couple that through coaching were able to weather the storm of separation.

Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy long-distance relationship:

  1. Communication is key: Make sure to keep in touch regularly with your partner, whether it’s through text messages, phone calls, video chats, or emails. Try to set aside specific times to talk and make sure to be present and focused during those conversations.

  2. Trust and honesty: Trust and honesty are essential components of any relationship, but they become even more critical in a long-distance relationship. It’s essential to be open and honest with your partner about your feelings, concerns, and any potential issues that may arise.

  3. Plan visits: Visiting each other is crucial for maintaining a long-distance relationship. Try to plan regular visits, even if they are only for a weekend or a few days.

  4. Set goals: Setting goals for the relationship, such as when you plan to live closer together or get married, can help keep both partners motivated and committed to the relationship.

  5. Keep the romance alive: Even when you’re not physically together, you can still keep the romance alive in your relationship. Send thoughtful messages or surprise your partner with a romantic gesture to show that you’re thinking of them.

Significant Effort Required

Long distance relationships require more communication and more planning than other relationships. This means that partners in long distance relationships need to make a conscious effort to keep their connection strong, which can be difficult when they’re physically apart. Communication is key, so partners should make an effort to stay in touch frequently through phone calls, video chats, Zoom/Skype and text messages. It’s also important to establish clear expectations and boundaries, such as how often to visit each other. For example, the couples that break up within 5 months of being apart, are those that make little to no effort to communicate frequently.

They Can Become Expensive

Another harsh fact of long distance relationships is that they can be expensive. The cost of travel, phone bills, and other expenses can add up quickly. According to a survey, people in long distance relationships spend an average of $111 per month on travel alone. This financial burden can create additional stress and tension in the relationship especially if one of the partners is in school or struggling financially.

Difficult for New Couples

Long distance relationships can be particularly difficult for couples who are just starting out. Without a strong foundation of trust and a ton of bonding, new couples are very vulnerable to break-ups.

Emotionally Draining

Another harsh reality of long distance relationships is that they can be emotionally draining. Not being able to see your partner on a regular basis can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and frustration. In some cases, long distance relationships can even lead to depression and anxiety.

No Clear End in Sight

Finally, long distance relationships can be particularly challenging when there is no clear end date in sight. In our experience, couples that are apart and have yet to define a clear end point to the separation, are more likely to fail. For example, couples that plan on moving in together, engagement or other forms of commitment are more likely to succeed when there is a specific end date in mind. Without a clear end goal, it can be difficult to stay motivated and committed to the relationship.


Being in a long distance relationship. They live and work in different cities and only see each other every few months. One is struggling with the emotional strain of being apart from her partner, and she’s feeling lonely and isolated.

To deal with the emotional strain of the distance, a friend also talks to one of our expert coaches who specializes in long distance relationships. Through coaching, she learns coping strategies to manage her emotions during the times when she’s feeling lonely or sad. For example, her coach suggests meditation and encourages her to join a group where she can practice with others.

She then also decides to take up a new hobby – painting. She spends her evenings creating beautiful paintings and sharing them with her partner over video chats and Zoom. He is impressed by her talent and encourages her to keep painting. He surprises her by flying in for a weekend so that he can see her studio and take her to her favorite museum. And they also make time for plenty of kissing and making love.

They each have a same coach to get guidance. She encourages him to stay connected by scheduling regular phone calls and video chats (at least 5 times per week). Tom makes a real effort to save money for travel expenses.

Despite the challenges of their long distance relationship, the couple reunites after 6 months apart and move in together. They are now happily married.

Remember that a long-distance relationship requires effort, patience, and commitment from both partners. But with the right mindset and strategies, it’s possible to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship, even when you’re far apart.


In conclusion, while long distance relationships can be rewarding and fulfilling, they also come with their fair share of challenges. Couples living apart, must prepare to put in extra effort, deal with financial burdens, and navigate emotional ups and downs. With the right mindset, commitment, and support, however, long distance relationships can succeed and even thrive.

Author Profile

Sarah Meere
Sarah Meere
Executive Editor

Sarah looks after corporate enquiries and relationships for UKFilmPremieres, CelebEvents, ShowbizGossip, Celeb Management brands for the MarkMeets Group. Sarah works for numerous media brands across the UK.


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