Technology Adoption Curve and its five stages of adoption

The technology adoption curve is a bimodal distribution model which depicts how various individuals respond towards, embrace, and assimilate new and innovative technologies and products. The original model has been adapted numerous times, but Everett Rogers’ diffusion of innovations explores the features of each of the five adopter types in the technology adoption life cycle: inventors, adopters, people share, generation z, and non – adopters.

Table of Contents

Five Stages Of The Technology Adoption Curve 

Introducing sustainable techniques and products has distinct motivations for each kind of technology adopter.

Innovators- People who are truly visionaries are risk-takers. Innovators are individuals in the technology adoption life cycle that enjoy learning new things and may even encourage others to use a new app or service. Adoption and implementation that fall under this website category like exploring new things and bucking the trend. During beta testing, they’re the first to upgrade their smartphones or try out a new tool. With less fear of failure, inventors are more than eager to try out new technologies. In reality, innovators are frequently the ones who kick off a new trend. You’re an innovator if you’re the one who introduces new technologies into your company.

Early Adopters- Before publicly endorsing a piece of technology, early adopters seek a firm understanding of it before jumping in. Adopters of new technology relish the opportunity to be among the first to hear about it. These folks are eager to join up for new social networking sites or try out a new project management tool just for the heck of it. Early adopters are concerned about their reputation, which makes them different from innovators. Early adopters want to acquire information and personal experience before recommending innovation to everyone else, as opposed to innovators who aren’t scared of failure openly. People who are early adopters want to look up-to-date and well-versed in new technology, so they check out such a tool before committing to it.

Early Majority- The preponderance of times in the early stages of adoption are curious about new technology, but they also want evidence that it works. Before making a purchase, these are the folks that read reviews and test out different tools on their own time. Case studies and real-life user tales trump generic claims about what a tool or software can achieve. Entrants that fall under this group are more realistic in their attitude to technology. Show the early majority whatever technique consists of, and get their attention. 

Late Majority- The late majority, very similar to the early majority, is looking for a data-driven justification to embrace technology. To persuade folks in this early adopter group, you’ll need to do study and provide evidence that the technology is worthwhile. Those in the late majority are wary of taking chances and are sceptical of whether or not change is necessary. They aren’t readily influenced by trends and prefer to wait and see how things develop before becoming involved themselves.. These are the folks that put off software upgrades as long as possible because they want to see how their friends respond to it.

Laggards- The sluggish are suspicious of new technologies. They want to know “what’s in it for me?” answers before they commit. There are (WIIFM) questions.” As long as things remain as they are, laggards are OK with the established order. They are your most obstinate customers, quickly annoyed by technological advances and quick to give up on a product that does not instantly make their lives simpler.


Whatfix can help you install new technology that your workers really utilise, whether they’re risk-taking innovators or obstinate holdouts..

Whatfix’s digital adoption platform not only aids in the creation of contextual in-app assistance for a wide range of tools, but it also allows you to assess the efficacy of training and adoption to make sure that your software deployment is a success. 

You can continually improve your strategy by measuring how your employees respond to different forms of training, finding places where users quit the product, and receiving feedback from employees in real-time. Check out the above article to know in detail about the technology adoption curve stages and how it actually works to improve your business strategy.

Author Profile

Renée Bourke

Renée has carried out many celebrity interviews for us from boybands to hanging backstage at showbiz parties. The Aussie stars acting credits include Home and Away + Across The Pond.


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