The iPhone 15 could get a new battery | Apple tech

We’ve heard plenty of rumors about the iPhone 15, and the latest to catch our attention concerns a new type of battery technology that Apple may be introducing with the flagship handsets that are due to launch in September.

All four iPhone 15 models are due to come with what’s known as stacked battery design. It’s already used in electric vehicles, and – as the name suggests – means the battery components are stacked on top of each other.

The iPhone 15 will come in three new colors: green, light yellow and pink. The full range of colors is as follows:

  • Midnight
  • Starlight
  • Green
  • Light Yellow
  • Pink
  • Product (RED)

The new colors are italicized, and it is worth noting that light yellow is distinct from the existing strong yellow finish on the iPhone 14 lineup. If correct, the leak would mean that Apple is dropping blue, purple, and the deeper yellow finishes this year.

While opinions about Apple’s choice of colors will be subjective, the real surprise here is the extent of the changes. Apple tends to change one or two colors each year, but not three. Moreover, the decisions here are eye-opening because a market report in March claimed that blue and purple were the most popular color choices for iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus buyers.

On the flip side, pink has been the most requested iPhone color for years, and rumors of a bubblegum pink finish first leaked in March though that report also claimed a new brighter blue color would be introduced. Apple has also shown its willingness to bend to customer demand this year by releasing a 15-inch MacBook Air.

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Simon Costanza
Features Editor


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