The Scottish capital is unlike anywhere else in the world. Whether you are seeking a cobbled street or a wide expanse of greenery, you will encounter a broad spectrum of sights for a variety of personalities. You’ll find countless breathtaking viewpoints in and around Edinburgh, so whether you’re exploring the city’s heart or the outskirts, these are ten of the most picturesque spots this spellbinding city has to offer.
Planning a trip to Edinburgh?
Whether you take the train or drive to the Scottish capital for a day trip, you’ll be spoiled for choice with a diverse range of stores and attractions spread over ancient landmarks and scenic landscapes.
With a variety of resources, such as itineraries and destination images, to assist you in better exploring throughout your vacation and is an ideal site for day trip ideas from London.
Although your mind probably summons the images of nature and mountain peaks when you think of spectacular vistas, Edinburgh is a great example of how even a simple city street can be breathtaking and unique. The vibrant and vivid surroundings of this street are a testament to Harry Potter’s ‘Diagon Alley’, and a wealth of distinctive shops make it easy to spend time here with the family.
The Royal Botanic Garden
Among the many places to find solace in Edinburgh is the Royal Botanic Garden, which offers all the grandeur of the country in a serene setting. No doubt, the Royal Botanic Garden is one of the most beautiful celebrations of nature around. Between magnificent oaks and majestic lily ponds, wildlife and a vast array of rare flora, there is no doubt it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Take a look at the natural world up close at the greenhouse as well, a perfect place to get your upcoming Instagram post!
Arthurs Seat
The panoramic views from Arthur’s Seat are an essential part of any tour of Edinburgh. It offers both an enchanting environment and an unforgettable backdrop of Edinburgh and eastern Scotland, making it the perfect restful haven for you and the family. Runners and walkers alike will be captivated by its enticing routes, with its breathtaking landscapes rewarding endurance. Given the parking facilities, it could be worth enquiring about car hire in Edinburgh for you and the family, as it can be a time-consuming gander to and from the city.
National Museum of Scotland
This is the perfect place to put your concerns and apprehensions into context if you want to. There are many exhibits and displays in this museum from centuries ago, providing insight into the developments and advancements not only Edinburgh, but Scotland have achieved. Observing all the wonders below while climbing the main staircase alone is an unforgettable adventure that will stimulate all your perceptions and emotions, perfect for capturing the true essence of your holiday.
The Vennel
Views of Edinburgh Castle are best viewed from this location. Lauriston Place and the Grassmarket are tied together by a small alleyway, guaranteeing you have a high-quality photo night or day, but dawn or dusk will yield the most vibrant tones. During the day, you can catch The Vennel with lighted streets and Edinburgh Castle from the outside or inside with lights. The alley facing the castle is a popular picture-taking spot in Edinburgh, so you’ll probably see others taking pictures there as well.
Warristons Close
There was once a main street in historic Edinburgh, now referred to as ‘The Royal Mile’ From this main street, there were many tucked away alleys that were essentially gated residences. ‘Closes’ were usually named after famous residents residing nearby or after trades people in the vicinity, so when walking down The Royal Mile, you’ll see street signs detailing the courts, wynds, and closes that are perfect for cultured snapshots!
Dean Village
Should you ever get the chance to visit Edinburgh, Dean Village is one of those secluded spots that gives you a sense of being in another world. It’s just 5 minutes from the city, take a scenic walk to the quaint community to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre, and capture a bliss moment in time.
Calton Hill
Here’s where you can see the best views of Edinburgh. It’s the perfect place to wake up and get one of the best views this magical city has to offer. Calton Hill, which overlooks most of Edinburgh, gives you a spectacular view of Edinburgh Castle, as well as Arthurs Seat as previously discussed. An ideal angle would be a photo taken next to the Acropolis, a 19th-century monument that was abandoned before completion.
To Summarise
Visiting all these top Instagram destinations in one or two days for your next Instagram post is definitely possible and can be done on a weekend getaway. The points of interest above are all places you will visit anyway, so you won’t have to make a special effort or devote extra time to them.
Edinburgh is a city that will leave you speechless, so it’s important you don’t forget your camera, and be sure to grab a still frame of these memories with your loved ones.
Author Profile

- Mark Boardman is an established showbiz journalist and freelance copywriter whose work has been published in Business Insider, Daily Mail, Bloomberg, MTV, Buzzfeed, and The New York Post, amongst other media. Often spotted on the red carpet at celebrity events and film screenings, Mark is a regular guest on BBC Radio London and in demand for his opinions on media outlets such as Newsweek, Daily Express, and OK! Magazine, as well as Heart radio, Capital FM, LBC, and Radio 2. His TV credits include ITV News, This Morning, BBC News, The One Show, Sky News, GB News, and Channel T4. Mark is a keen traveller having visited 40+ countries, and a devout sports fan who also attends as many gigs as he can across the capital when not rubbing shoulders with the stars. Email
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