“Breaking Bad” is a crime drama television series created by Vince Gilligan that originally aired on AMC from 2008 to 2013. The show follows the life of a high school chemistry teacher, Walter White (Bryan Cranston), who turns to a life of crime after being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. He partners with a former student, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), to start a meth-cooking operation in order to provide for his family after his death.
Plot: The show features an ensemble cast of characters, including Walter’s wife Skyler (Anna Gunn), his brother-in-law and DEA agent Hank Schrader (Dean Norris), and his former business partner Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito). The characters face moral dilemmas and conflict as they navigate the dangerous world of drug trafficking.
The show is praised for its attention to detail, character development, and visual style, as well as its exploration of themes such as morality, family, and the American Dream. The series is known for its suspenseful and intense storytelling, as well as its unpredictable twists and turns.
Who stars in Breaking Bad?
Here is a list of the main cast of “Breaking Bad”:
- Bryan Cranston as Walter White
- Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman
- Anna Gunn as Skyler White
- Dean Norris as Hank Schrader
- Betsy Brandt as Marie Schrader
- RJ Mitte as Walter White Jr.
- Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman
- Giancarlo Esposito as Gus Fring
- Jonathan Banks as Mike Ehrmantraut
- Steven Michael Quezada as Steven Gomez
- Krysten Ritter as Jane Margolis
- Jesse Plemons as Todd Alquist
- Laura Fraser as Lydia Rodarte-Quayle
This list includes the main characters who appear in multiple episodes throughout the series.
The series was filmed on location in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the state’s unique desert landscape and architecture were used to create a distinctive visual style for the show. Many of the buildings and locations used in the series, such as the car wash where Skyler works, have since become tourist attractions.
“Breaking Bad” was a critical and commercial success, receiving widespread praise from audiences and critics alike. The show won numerous awards and accolades, including 16 Primetime Emmy Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, and a Peabody Award.
“Breaking Bad” has since become a cultural phenomenon, with its impact being felt in popular culture, as well as in the world of television. The show’s success has also led to the creation of the prequel series “Better Call Saul,” which follows the life of criminal lawyer Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) before he becomes involved with Walter White and Jesse Pinkman.
In conclusion, “Breaking Bad” is a masterfully crafted television series that explores the dark and dangerous world of drug trafficking, while also delving into deeper themes of morality, family, and the American Dream. Its success has had a lasting impact on popular culture and the world of television, and it remains a must-watch for fans of the crime genre
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