Stacey Dooley Sleeps Over: Stacey Dooley spends 72 hours with Carla Bellucci known as ‘Britain’s most hated woman’
Her documentary series is back for the third time.
Stacey Dooley returned to our TV earlier this month with her latest series on W. Dooley is known for her investigative documentaries on tough subjects but her new series is quite different.
Stacey Dooley Sleeps Over sees the presenter spend 72 hours with different families across the UK exploring the world of modern relationships and family life. Tonight it returns for its third series meeting ‘Britain’s most hated woman?’
You’re back for a third series of Sleeps Over! What were you most excited about when you knew you were setting off for another weekend?
I know, we’re back for another series! Series 3, I can’t quite believe it. I’m really delighted because I love filming Sleeps Over and people love watching it. I always get stopped in the street by people who want to chat about it, saying, ‘I watched this episode’ or ‘I watched that episode’. It’s so lovely! I think what excites me most about the series, is the idea that I get to hang out with someone who I wouldn’t ordinarily spend the weekend with. I think that’s really healthy and it’s really important to surround yourself with people where there are differences. I also never take it for granted that the families are going to let us in, so I’m really thrilled to be back.
Carla Bellucci is known for running a successful OnlyFans account and hitting the headlines in tabloids. What did you take away from this weekend?
Carla Bellucci is a really interesting woman. I think there were obvious differences, when it came to her and I and it was always going to make for an interesting weekend. What I took away from that weekend was that you should always meet people with an open mind. It’s also always worth trying things from a different perspective or a different point of view. And, actually, whilst she does things that I don’t necessarily always agree with or understand, I did really enjoy her company and I think there’s a good woman there. Her children were a delight and her partner was very accommodating, so I really enjoyed the weekend.
Her daughter talks about wanting plastic surgery when she’s 18. Will this view divide viewers?
Yes, she does talk about getting plastic surgery when she’s old enough. I think it probably will divide viewers, but what I would want to remind them is that she is still a child. Whilst everyone is entitled to an opinion, particularly when a family have put themselves out there, at the end of the day she’s a kid and when you’re tweeting, please keep that in mind. Also remember that during your formative years, you think something one day and then you change your mind. We’re evolving and we’re growing, and we place importance on different things at different times, so I thought she was a real sweetheart and I really appreciated her being honest about what she wanted to priorities when she was a bit older. But please do go easy on her.
The second episode in the series features an incredible 70-year Dominatrix. Did you have any preconceptions of what this weekend was going to bring?
I’ve learnt not to go in with any definite ideas because there’s always a surprise, so I go in as a good sport who is up for the weekend and just end up being quite reactive to whatever ends up unfolding. I mean, I can’t say that I had anticipated I would be in a conservatory at 10am in Swindon with a completely naked man who was a stranger, with various different sex toys dangling from him. But you know what, I’m a documentarian and if that’s what I have to document, then that’s what I document! Sherry was a scream; she was really good fun. She also taught me how to use a cane appropriately and safely, so I’ll always be in debt to Sherry for that.
You spend a weekend with Jemma McGowan’s family in the final episode of this new series. Can you tell us about it?
Jemma’s episode will be an incredibly powerful one, I’m sure Tonally, it’s slightly different to anything we’ve ever done with Sleeps Over. Her situation is that she is terminally ill and the belief, from her doctors, is that she’s got only several months left. She’s a mum in her 20s and the whole thing feels massively unfair, and, at times, I found myself feeling quite angry at the idea that she isn’t going to be around. Overall though it was really good fun and Jemma was really keen that the episode didn’t feel too earnest or too ‘woe is me’, she wanted it to feel celebratory and there was definitely a ‘can do’ approach throughout the weekend. I really am fond of Jemma and, it really goes without saying, that her weekends are pretty precious as she doesn’t know how many she has got left. So, the idea that she had us over for one of them is pretty massive.
Jemma is doing lots of planning and preparation for when she isn’t going to be there for her children. How did you feel when you heard more about this?
There’s a scene where she talks me through what she’s put in place for her children for when she’s not around. Obviously, it was a really emotional chat, but what I think it illustrates is how maternal she is and she’s always prioritising the kids. I think that’s what mums do, right? There was a line that she said to me that really stuck with me, which was ‘I’ve told my friends to tell my husband Clive to always make sure that the kids have their Children In Need pyjamas, because I don’t want them feeling left out’. And it’s that sort of attention to detail that only a parent would care about. She was really wicked, and I know that she’s seen the episode and she’s really happy with it, so it feels like a true reflection of what they were going through. So yeah, this episode is one that we’re all really proud of as a team.
Author Profile

- Mark Boardman is an established showbiz journalist and freelance copywriter whose work has been published in Business Insider, Daily Mail, Bloomberg, MTV, Buzzfeed, and The New York Post, amongst other media. Often spotted on the red carpet at celebrity events and film screenings, Mark is a regular guest on BBC Radio London and in demand for his opinions on media outlets such as Newsweek, Daily Express, and OK! Magazine, as well as Heart radio, Capital FM, LBC, and Radio 2. His TV credits include ITV News, This Morning, BBC News, The One Show, Sky News, GB News, and Channel T4. Mark is a keen traveller having visited 40+ countries, and a devout sports fan who also attends as many gigs as he can across the capital when not rubbing shoulders with the stars. Email
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