Watch Edwina Currie take on I’m A Celebrity’ Cabin Fever’ trial

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I’m A Celebrity – MARKMEETS

Edwina Currie goes it alone in the next Bushtucker Trial ‘Cabin Fever’.

The 68-year-old was chosen by viewers in last night’s show to take part in the challenge, which involves her rooting around a cramped cabin in an attempt to find stars.

As well as facing the usual jungle nasties, Edwina will also have to descend to a terrifying basement level if she wants to win all of the available meals for her campmates.

“It’s the country shack with the shocking secret, a basement leading straight to hell,” presenters Ant and Dec teased in yesterday evening’s show. “There’s no cure for terror when you get a dose of Cabin Fever.”

In this preview clip, we see Edwina climbing down into 300kg of offal!

On Friday night we watched as Edwina faced her first trial, a double header that also involved Kendra Wilkinson.

‘Pipes of Peril’ involved Kendra answering questions while perched on a dunk tank, with correct answers earning Edwina time to find stars in the titular pipes – while wrong answers resulted in her being soaked in gunge.

The pair managed to achieve six stars, marking Kendra’s second success in a row after she earned all ten meals herself on Wednesday.

The results of Cabin Fever will be revealed on I’m A Celeb’s latest episode tonight at 9.40pm on ITV.

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