Top 5 London Musicals To See Before 2020

Whether you are a fan of the stage or not is neither here nor there – you cannot deny that there are some classics out there within the muscial genre. There are plenty of ways to see a show, from opera to plays, but musicals have something that nothing else does: life. Singing, dancing, comedy – it’s all exciting to view on the stage and when you’re in London, you get a whole new experience of musicals like you wouldn’t believe!

The London West End has so much to offer those who want to immerse themselves in a new experience and it’s right up there with Broadway when it comes to the best place in the world to see musical theatre come to life. The problem is choosing which to see. Sure, you can get theatre tickets to see them all, but that’s not always feasible with your budget. With that in mind, let’s check out the top five you should see before the year is out!

1. Les Miserables. It sounds duller than it is, I promise. Les Miserables takes you right back to the French Revolution, where poverty and pain were rife while people battled it out on the street. The show on the West End stage is uplifting, and will make you feel all the feelings in the couple of hours you are watching it. There was a movie version released in 2012, but it’s nowhere near as deep as the stage show. Worth a watch? Absolutely.

2. 9 To 5: The Musical. Who doesn’t love a little bit of Dolly Parton? The show follows the tale of three women in the 1980s – big hair, big voices and a lot of misogyny brings this show to life. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and the goosebumps you’ll get from the voices of the cast will be enough to get you making your own cup of ambition. This is a comedy musical, so prepare to laugh and sing along!

3. Wicked. If you ever enjoyed The Wizard of Oz as a child, you’ll gain a whole new perspective on it when you see the back story of the Wicked Witch of the West. Big numbers, a big cast and a little bit of magic on the stage can really make an evening to the theatre more than worth it. Learn a little about Elphaba and Galinda and fall in love with the ultimate sisterhood.

4. The Lion King. One of the most popular musicals ever to grace the West End, The Lion King is still going after all these years. There’s a reason it’s still on the stage: the movement and majesty of one of the biggest Disney stories out there keep people coming back for more.

5. The Book Of Mormon. Running for almost a decade now, The Book of Mormon is a satirical examination of the Church of Jesus Christ of The Latter-Day Saints. It’s all about the positive power of service and love, packaged neatly in a musical and delivered across the London stage.

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
MarkMeets Media is British-based online news magazine covering showbiz, music, tv and movies
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