Tom Cruise’s daughter works as a hairdresser in London

The 21 year-old daughter of Tom Cruise has begun filling in as a beautician in England.

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Isabella Cruise
Isabella Cruise

Isabella Cruise who was born in Miami is the adopted sibling of movie star Tom Cruise and his ex Nicole Kidman – has allegedly finished a course at the Vidal Sassoon Academy and is presently living up to expectations at their prestigious London salon.

As indicated by an insider, the 21-year-old hair specialist chose to take after an alternate way to her renowned folks by joining the 30 week course, which costs £15,000.

The source imparted: ”Isabella has been getting stuck in at work and doesn’t make a whine about who her guardians are. Some of her workmates don’t even figure it out.”

Since arriving the part, the stars reclusive daughter has explored different avenues regarding diverse hair shades and lengths, including a blue sway.

Isabella picked to stay with Tom, 52, after his separation from Nicole, 47, in 2001 and close by her father got to be keen on the Scientology religion.

Nonetheless, the source has guaranteed that since moving to England, Isabella – who awhile ago learned at a London craftsmanship school – has truly taken to living in the British capital and now appreciates hanging out in new bars and restaurants with her kindred beauticians.

A source told The Sun daily paper: ”She now has a wider circle of friends and has broadened her horizons.”

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