Baldur’s Gate 3 is already one of Steam’s biggest games ever

Baldur’s Gate 3, which was released on August 3, has rapidly become one of Steam’s most popular games, setting an impressive concurrent user record that places it among the top ten most played games in Steam’s history.

The sequel, long-awaited by fans and decades in the making, has continuously broken its own concurrent player record throughout the weekend. The game’s current peak sits at a staggering 809,012 concurrent players, securing its spot as the ninth game with the highest ever concurrent user record on Steam and pushing Apex Legends down to eleventh place.

In just three days, Baldur’s Gate 3 has attracted more simultaneous players than renowned titles such as Valheim, Grand Theft Auto 5, and Destiny 2, showcasing the game’s immense popularity and widespread appeal.

Even more remarkably, within the last 24 hours, Baldur’s Gate 3 is the second-most played game on Steam, surpassing even juggernauts like Dota 2 and PUBG: Battlegrounds in terms of concurrent players. Only CS:GO has had more concurrent players in the same time frame.

Players and critics alike have praised the game’s sprawling scale and depth, hailing it as one of the best RPGs ever released. With an editor-in-chief awarding it a perfect five out of five stars, Baldur’s Gate 3 has earned widespread acclaim for its immersive and captivating gameplay.

Furthermore, the game has incorporated impressive Twitch integration features that have garnered enthusiastic attention from streamers. Baldur’s Gate 3’s thoughtful and comprehensive suite of Twitch features caters to both streamers and non-streamers, making it an enjoyable experience for all players.

Overall, Baldur’s Gate 3’s remarkable success on Steam reflects its status as one of the most significant releases in recent gaming history. Its enormous player base and glowing reviews confirm its position as a top-tier RPG, appealing to both streamers and non-streamers alike. As players continue to explore its vast world and engage with its exciting features, Baldur’s Gate 3’s influence on the gaming industry will undoubtedly endure.

Meanwhile, we can report that Metal Gear series tops a staggering 60m worldwide sales.

That’s despite the fact that developer/publisher Konami hasn’t released a mainline Metal Gear game since 2018, and its last numbered instalment was released almost a decade ago now back in 2015.

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