Is It Possible To Move Items Without Help From A Company?

Moving house may be intimidating, particularly if you’ve amassed a lot of stuff throughout your life. When it’s time to move, you’re not simply transferring; you’re also purging and re-organizing everything you own.

If you don’t have the cash to pay a professional removal firm, don’t worry; a UK man and van can assist for a fraction of the cost. There are also numerous things you may do yourself to make the whole procedure more manageable.

How to relocate without hiring professional movers

1- Find the right man and van and equipment for your move.

First and foremost, you’ll need a man and a van. Unless you want to drive back and forth numerous times in your vehicle, it’s not advised! Simply download a free app, list your job, and wait for the quotes to arrive.

You’ll need to make sure you have the proper tools on hand as well. To ensure that everything goes smoothly, stock up on boxes, bubble wrap, and packing tape.

2- Everything you don’t need should be gotten rid of.

While you may not want to go all out and start from scratch, packing up and moving may be an excellent time to get rid of items you don’t need so that you don’t have to transport them from one location to the next for no reason.

Make two piles of things you don’t want to take as you’re packing up your things:

  • Donate
  • Sell

Then you can quickly send the proper things to a charity, and sell the other items listed for sale.

3- Invite family and friends to assist you.

If you’re moving, consider asking for help from your friends and relatives.

Ask them as soon as you know your move date so they can ensure they are free. Also, keep some food and drink on hand to assist them to get through the day.

4- Check that everything is in its proper place.

Organising yourself before you move is more difficult than it is after you’ve completed the task.

Label all of your moving boxes so you know what’s inside them and where they should go – on your first night in your new home, you don’t want to look for your kettle and cutlery.

5- Pack up your house the proper way

Large objects should be deconstructed (as much as feasible) and cushioned with bubble wrap and blankets during the transfer.

Only clean, defrosted, and empty refrigerators will survive the move. At least 8 hours before your relocation date, your refrigerator should be cleaned and defrosted.

To prevent liquids, such as shampoo and cleaning fluids, from spilling during transportation, wrap them in cling film and tape.

Only small, valuable items should be kept on your person or in your handbag/wallet. The majority of your valuables, such as jewellery and important documents, should be stored in a secure location, such as a safety deposit box.

6- Make sure you have enough time to move.

You’ll need at least a day to move your things from one location to the next, particularly if you’re moving house. If you’re only moving a few items or renting a storage unit, you may be able to get away with half a day.

7- Relax and take some time for yourself.

You’ve completed the move, and everything is in its new place- but that doesn’t mean your work is done.

You’ll need to take some time to relax and unpack at your own pace. Make sure you have some snacks and drinks on hand so you don’t get too hungry while you’re unpacking!

Author Profile

Scott Baber
Scott Baber
Senior Managing editor

Manages incoming enquiries and advertising. Based in London and very sporty. Worked news and sports desks in local paper after graduating.


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