Bingo Calls: The even number edition

Whether you buy your Bingo ticket online or in person, in order to be in for a chance at crying out “HOUSE” and claiming the prize pot, you’ll need to keep an ear out for the numbers that are called.

With this in mind, we wanted to help you refresh your Bingo call know-how with a little refresher of the even numbers, so when you pick a few Bingo games to play next, you’ll know exactly what number they are calling out, just by the Bingo call.

2 – One little duck – refers to the number two looking like a duck.

4 – Knock at the Door – pays homage to the nursery rhyme.

6 – Half a Dozen – six is half of a dozen.

8 – Garden gate – rhymes with eight. 

10 – ‘NAME’’s Den – whoever is the Prime Minister at the time will have their name included in this Bingo call. This refers to 10 Downing Street.

12 – One Dozen – a dozen is made up of 12.

14 – Valentine’s Day – refers to 14th February AKA Valentine’s Day.

16 – Sweet Sixteen – refers to the saying of when someone turns 16.

18 – Coming of Age – the age when you’re legally classed as an adult.

20 – Getting Plenty – rhymes with 20.

22 – Two little Ducks – refers to the number looking like two small ducks.

24 – Two Dozen – a dozen is made of 12. Two lots of 12 equals 24, therefore 24 is known as two dozen.

26 – A to Z – refers to how many letters are in the alphabet.

28 – In a state – rhymes with 28.

30 – Dirty Gertie – pays homage to a rhyme from a soldier’s song.

32 – Buckle my Shoe – rhymes with 32.

34 – Ask for More – rhymes with 34.

36 – Three Dozen – a dozen is made up of 12, two dozen is 24, so three dozen is 36. 

38 – Christmas Cake – rhymes with 38.

40 – Naughty 40 – refers to the phrase “Life begins at 40”.

42 – Winnie the Pooh – pays homage to a much-loved fictional character.

44 – Droopy Drawers – refers to sagging trousers.

46 – Up to Tricks – rhymes with 46.

48 – Four Dozen – one dozen is 12, so four dozen 48.

50 – Half a Century – refers to 50 years as half a century.

52 – Danny la Rue – a reference to Irish singer.

54 – Clean the Floor – rhymes with 54.

56 – Was she Worth it? – pays homage to the cost of a marriage licence in 1959. Players usually respond by calling back “every penny!”

58 – Make them Wait – rhymes with 58.

60 – Grandma’s getting Frisky – refers to the traditional age of when a woman retires in the UK.

62 – Turn the Screw – rhymes with 62.

64 – Red Raw – rhymes with 64.

66 – Clickety click – rhymes with 66, but also refers to the sounds a train makes along the tracks.

68 – Saving Grace – rhymes with 68.

70 – Three Score and 10 – refers to a sum in maths: 3 scores and 10 = 3×20+10=70

72 – Six Dozen – one dozen is 12, so six dozen is 72.

74 – Hit the Floor – rhymes with 74.

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Mohammad Mo
Senior TV Reporter

The former Big Brother contestant has been working with MarkMeets for 5+ years.

Often spotted on the red carpet interviewing for MarkMeetsTV.

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