Top Tips for traveling with valuables

Traveling can be a wonderful adventure, but it can also be stressful when it comes to keeping your valuables safe. Whether you’re a professional photographer or just an amateur with a camera, it’s important to keep your camera gear and other valuables secure while on the go. So, here are some tips to help you keep your valuables safe while traveling.

Choose the right bag

The first step to keeping your camera gear safe is choosing the right bag. A good camera bag should have compartments for your camera, lenses and accessories, as well as some extra space for other items you may need while traveling. Look for a bag that is durable, weather-resistant, and has a lockable zipper or other security features. Make sure it is comfortable to carry and preferably doesn’t have easy access on the outside for pickpockets. If traveling overseas consider a GPS tracker for not only your luggage but also your camera bag. A great investment for some peace of mind.

Use a padlock

A padlock is an easy and effective way to keep your bag secure. Most camera bags have a loop or other attachment point where you can attach a padlock to keep the zipper closed. If your bag doesn’t have a loop, you can always use a cable lock or similar device to secure it to a fixed object. If you’re worried about carrying keys get one with a code.

Keep valuables out of sight

When you’re traveling, it’s best to keep your valuables IE wallet/purse out of sight as much as possible. This means not leaving your camera bag or other valuables unattended in public places. If you’re staying in a hotel or hostel, use the in-room safe to store your valuables when you’re not using them. If traveling by car, try to keep your valuables as hidden as possible if you have to leave them in the car. This includes suitcases.

Use Hotel Safes

Most hotels have in-room safes that you can use to store your valuables. Make sure to use this feature and keep the key or combination in a secure place.

Carry your camera gear with you

One of the best ways to keep your camera gear safe is to carry it with you at all times. This means not checking it with your luggage when flying or leaving it in the trunk of your car when driving. Instead, carry your camera bag with you as a carry-on item or keep it somewhere safe when driving, not on the seat next to you. As someone could reach in through an open window and take it if stopped in traffic etc. We usually keep gear on the floor behind our seats. This stops it from being thrown around and makes it harder to snatch and grab.

Be aware of your surroundings

When you’re traveling, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. This means paying attention to who is around you and where your valuables are. Don’t leave your camera bag or valuables unattended in a busy public place and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity.

Backup your photos

Finally, it’s important to back up your photos regularly while traveling. This means copying them to a laptop, external hard drive, or cloud storage service. If your camera or memory card is lost or stolen, you’ll still have your photos safe and sound. We often use a laptop while traveling and a hard drive in my bag. It might be overkill, but I know my images will be secure.

Consider Travel Insurance

Travel insurance can provide additional protection for your valuables while traveling. Make sure to read the policy carefully and understand what is and is not covered.

In conclusion, traveling with valuables can be stressful, but taking the proper precautions can help keep your belongings safe and secure. By packing light, using a money belt or hidden pocket, investing in good quality luggage, using hotel safes, keeping your valuables close, being mindful of your surroundings, and considering travel insurance, you can minimize the risk of loss or theft while traveling.

Author Profile

William Baldwin
William Baldwin brings a seamlessly blends financial insight with captivating storytelling. As a freelance writer for and, continues to elevate the narrative, providing readers with unparalleled perspectives on the intersection of business and entertainment.
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