Ben Stiller says he is becoming ”obsessed” with directing

Actor-and-director Ben Stiller has starred in films from ‘Zoolander’ to ‘Night at the museum’ now believes directing is his passion.

The New York, born star who enjoyed making his latest film ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ – in which he plays the titular lead character – now wonders if his passion behind the camera has taken over.

Ben Stiller
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Movie Ben Stiller HD Wallpaper

He said: ”I don’t want to ever be dismissive of it. To be a really great actor takes as much commitment as anything. But I do wonder sometimes, for me, if I have as much drive for that these days as I do to direct, because that I don’t even question. But then it’s also about finding the projects, and it’s much more of a commitment.

Watch ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ official movie trailer further below.

”But you’re not limited by being cast in something, what type you are, what roles you can play, because you are who you are, which is fine, but directing to me is so many possibilities, so many worlds to explore.”

The 48-year-old star admits he’s becoming ”obsessed” with directing because it forces him to focus on something.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Ben Stiller photographed directing new movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Speaking to the Times, he said:

”Directing is about obsession. Where it can start to hinder you is when you obsess on something you shouldn’t be obsessing on. Or obsessing on something because you’re avoiding something else. It’s all about that anyway. It’s like that line from ‘Manhattan’.

“We’re all just keeping busy because we’re all going to die and we don’t want to think about it.”

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Official Trailer

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