What are the Most-viewed Oscar acceptance speeches of all time?

We performed research ahead of this year’s ceremony to find out which actor had the best Oscar speech, with Leonardo DiCaprio topping the list and Matthew McConaughey coming in second.

The most-viewed Academy Award acceptance speeches were uncovered by examining the verified Oscars YouTube account before of this year’s presentation to determine the Internet’s favourite Oscar speeches.

According to the study, Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar acceptance speech is the most watched in history.
DiCaprio eventually won his long-awaited ‘Best Actor’ Academy Award in 2016 for his work in The Revenant, which had over 47 million views on YouTube after many nominations.

The Hollywood star used his speech to address important problems, such as climate change and the harmful consequences of huge polluters, warning the audience not to “take our world for granted.”

  • Leonardo DiCaprio officially has the most popular Academy Award acceptance speech of all time, with more than 47 million views.
  • Matthew McConaughey has the second most-viewed Oscar’s acceptance speech on record, with more than 21 million views. 
  • Jennifer Lawrence’s fall up the Academy steps has more than 14 million views on YouTube. 

New research reveals that Leonardo DiCaprio has the most-viewed Oscar’s acceptance speech of all time. 

Top 10 most viewed Oscar acceptance speeches of all time 
Winner YouTube views 
Leonardo DiCaprio 47,617,131
Matthew McConaughey 26,186,277 
Heath Ledger 21,425,866 
Kate Winslet 17,530,502 
Jennifer Lawrence 14,589,004 
Eddie Redmayne 13,734,109 
Natalie Portman 12,183,834 
Marlon Brando 11,454,828 
Joaquin Phoenix 11,386,659 
Sandra Bullock 10,917,316 

Matthew McConaughey wants more challenging movie roles has the second most popular Oscars acceptance speech with in excess of 26 million perspectives on YouTube. The ‘How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days’ won his ‘Best Actor’ grant in 2014 – beating any semblance of Leonardo DiCaprio and Christian Bale – and conveyed an energetic talk saying thanks to God, his family and partners, prior to completing his discourse with his unmistakable expression, “okay, okay, okay”.

With in excess of 21 million perspectives, the Internet’s third most loved Oscar acknowledgment discourse goes to Heath Ledger. As one of the most passionate discourses ever, the late Heath Ledger won ‘Best Supporting Actor’ in 2009 for his job as the Joker in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight. Because of Heath Ledger’s abrupt demise the year prior to, his family acknowledged the honor for his sake, standing out forever as one of the most significant honor acknowledgment addresses ever.

Kate Winslet has the fourth most well known Oscar’s acknowledgment discourse, notwithstanding the most-watched discourse for a ‘Best Actress’ champ. Kate Winslet won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her part in The Reader in 2009, beating any semblance of Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep. The entertainer battled to keep down her feelings during her suggestive discourse, which has now gotten in excess of 17 million perspectives.

The discoveries uncovered that Jennifer Lawrence’s Oscar acknowledgment discourse is the fifth most well known on record for her 2013 ‘Best Actress’ honor for Silver Linings Playbook. Jennifer Lawrence will go down in Oscars history, unfortunately not so much for her discourse, but rather for her fall up the Academy steps en route to gather her honor, which has now gotten more than 14.5 million perspectives on YouTube.

Moreover, Marlon Brando’s acknowledgment discourse additionally includes as one of the Internet’s top picks, setting eighth generally, making it the most seasoned acknowledgment discourse in the positioning. Getting the ‘Best Actor’ grant for his part in The Godfather, Brando’s 1973 discourse has in excess of 11 million YouTube sees, in spite of him not showing up. During the notable discourse, entertainer and Native American social equality lobbyist Sacheen Littlefeather talked for Brando’s sake, fighting the treatment of Native Americans in the entertainment world.

“From Kate Winslet’s enthusiastic discourse to Leonardo DiCaprio’s political location, acknowledgment talks can be utilized to commend wins as well as an imperative stage to voice political and social change. The Internet celebrated when DiCaprio won his merited Academy Award back in 2016, conveying such a strong discourse that it actually starts interest today.

As a sharp ecological lobbyist, DiCaprio utilized his foundation to point out the inconvenient impacts of environmental change, which presently has near twofold the quantity of perspectives on Matthew McConaughey’s discourse.”

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
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