Check out the debut single from Nico Cara – Where We Lie


The 19 year-old, hailing from North Yorkshire (with strong sicilian roots) has been locked away working on his debut full-length project and looks set to join the likes of Ady Suleiman and JP Cooper in the new generation of singer/songwriters!


Nico Cara

‘Where We Lie’ is about romanticising teenagehood, and relationships you have during. The haze of feelings and confusion, diluted by intoxication. Rhys Williams (Director), however, took a different spin on the song’s sentiment and came up with quite a heartbreaking story of a momentary, unconventional relationship which plays on the lyrics’ hints of loneliness.

“Rhys Williams delivers a stunning video capturing the essence of Nico’s artristic passion for music” – Music Journalist Mark Boardman


Watch out for the twist at the end of the video.
Official Video:



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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
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