The following 11 subsections will tell you how to write the right articles for your blog. You must remember them in the order in which they are presented.  If you are unable to meet this condition, we do not guarantee that you will learn how to write interesting articles for the blog that can become the basis of its promotion.   

  1. Create a catchy headline

The only thing you can do to interest a potential reader before he opens the article is to make a catchy headline that grabs his attention and makes him want to know what’s next. In addition, it can be useful to hint in the headline at some benefits of reading the article. This skill is key. It is a development you need to work on before writing articles for the blog.

  1. Grabbing attention from the first lines

The biggest mistake a blogger can make is to combine a great truly magnetic headline with very sparse first paragraphs of an article, without even finishing them the visitor leaves the web resource with a desire never to come back and read this nonsense. So before you write an article for a blog, think through the beginning of the article already at the moment when in your brain it’s only just beginning to form the title of the article. And when you start writing, from the very first lines, it is important to make the reader’s imagination work for you. That is, you need to get them interested, so to speak, to give them an incentive, after which they will want to read the entire text to the very end.

  1. Be convincing

Not everyone who is engaged in writing articles for the blog can do this. But this is something you should strive for. At first, it is best to write only on those topics with which you are very familiar. Some content writers recommend to try to maintain an expert writing style that will make blog readers believe in your exceptional competence in the subject of the article.    

  1. Use “strong” word combinations and phrases

Of course, not every copywriter will be able to write articles for a blog at a high level. Someone lacks education, someone lacks imagination, and someone simply can’t wield the word correctly. But you can learn how to do it if you draw inspiration… from books.  It may seem trivial to you, but by regularly reading works of literature (almost any genre), you can become a bit of a writer yourself. And that’s a fact.  

  1. Present some of your information in the form of lists.

To correctly write articles for the blog you need to master different types of presentation of information. In particular, it should be listed.  Thus, the information is absorbed better than in the form of a solid text cloth. It is important to remember that it is undesirable to use too many items on the list, and each of them should not be too long. It’s better if everything is short and to the point.   

  1. Divide the text into sections, using subheadings

When writing an article for the blog, divide it into parts by meaningful subheadings. If you apply the skill we talked about developing in the first point of this list (creating “catchy” titles), you can keep your reader engaged at the right level at all times.    

  1. Submit your article in the form of a story

Any movie (TV series, book) that has an intriguing plot makes the viewer experience and follow the events uninterruptedly, for fear of missing something important. The same approach can be used to write interesting articles for the blog.

a) Think of a “main character” who will become known from the very first lines.

b) Tell about his difficult fate and the “villains” who keep him from living his life in peace.  

c) Add intrigue.  

d) End the blog post with a traditional happy ending.

  1. Fill the invented story with fascinating events 

This will allow you to write a blog post that will get the user excited. For example, if you follow the previous recommendation about creating a story, you can make the following example: a) There is a new site on the web that is desperately trying to break into the top of search results.  

b) Evil search engines are constantly preventing this, improving their algorithms and trying to send the “main character” under filters. 

c) Unscrupulous competitor, adding to the already risky link mass of “the main character” well very poor quality links, thereby helping the villains find a reason to impose sanctions. 

d) The competitor himself was in the pit, which he dug for the “main character” – went to ban for bad purchased links.  

e) The main character improves his promotion skills, bypasses all the “norms of the law” and the “villains” are powerless in their attempts to punish him for it.   

  1. Don’t forget to use other types of content  

Interesting text is, of course, a good thing. But anyone’s eyes get tired from viewing only black characters on a white background.  To write blog articles properly, the interest in their textual content should be reinforced by images and videos that fit seamlessly into them.

  1. Properly finish writing an article for a blog 

You can’t lead the reader by the hand the whole time and just before the end leave him or her by simply cutting off the narrative. So if you set out to write a blog post and manage to get him interested, be so kind as to satisfy his (through your fault) interest. Give him what you hinted at in the beginning. Summarize, summarize all the information provided in the article. Point out the most important points and the fact that the subject of the article is fully disclosed.  

  1. Be yourself 

Do not try to copy the writing style of individual professional copywriters. Blog article writing should come specifically from your self, which is unique.  Don’t write texts “because you have to.” Only write when you have the inspiration to do so. Don’t take topics that you frankly don’t like beforehand. Choose only those that you want to write about and that, in your opinion, can really be interesting for the readers of the blog.

Now you can be a successful blogger 

Of course, you can’t instantly learn how to write articles for a blog (a step-by-step guide is good, but you need practice). It will take some time.  But with each article written with the above recommendations in mind, you will improve your skills and maybe soon you’ll be able to give newbies advice on how to write interesting articles for the blog. And how are you doing with writing texts? How do your visitors like them? Please tell us about your results in the comments to this article.

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
MarkMeets Media is British-based online news magazine covering showbiz, music, tv and movies
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