You’re feeling inspired and ready to get creative, but where do you start? If you’re eager to get your hands dirty and try a new hobby, painting could be just the thing.
Painting is a big business, so it’s a good idea to start a painting business. There are a plethora of different painting jobs available. With the size of the market, the options are endless! ! The market is not just large, but it can also be recurring.
If you enjoy DIY home improvement and are eager to branch out on your own, starting a painting business could prove rewarding. Training and licensing is relatively minimal compared with other contract work. For a range of businesses and career opportunities, check out this site as a good resource for getting started as a painter.
Startup costs are low, given that you can start this business from home. Once you expand, however, you’ll want to rethink your location.
You can start a painting business without much hassle. There is usually no same rigorous education process and certification for painters as there is for metalworkers or carpenters.
Whether trying your hand at watercolors or a paint by numbers, here are five tips to help get you started.
- Find the right tools
When it comes to painting, having the right tools can make all the difference. Make sure you have everything you need to hand – you don’t want to have to stop halfway through to visit the store. Not only will you need high quality paints and brushes, you should also find out which style suits you best. Some people prefer acrylic paints while others swear by watercolors – there’s no right or wrong, just have a go and see what feels right for you.
- Look for inspiration
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Have a look at other artists and paintings that you like – what is it about their work that you admire? You may be drawn to vibrant colors or the specific techniques they use, or there may be a particular subject matter you enjoy. Use this inspiration as a springboard for your own pieces.
- Prepare your space
Your surroundings can have a huge impact on your wellbeing and mindset. Maximizing your space and making it comfortable will get you in the right zone when it comes to painting. If you need a tidy environment, clear away any clutter so you can focus entirely on your painting. You could also try playing some music or lighting candles to help you switch off from any distractions and concentrate solely on your artwork.
- Start small
New can be daunting. To tackle this, start off with something small – maybe challenge yourself to paint a single flower, facial feature or object. Focusing on one element will stop you from feeling overwhelmed and give you a sense of achievement when it’s done. It’ll also spur you on and you’ll find it easier to complete the whole painting. You could even try using a smaller canvas while you build up your confidence to take on bigger pieces.
- Remember this is fun
If you find yourself getting worried or stressed, remember this is supposed to be fun. You don’t have to be the next Picasso or paint the next Mona Lisa to be a great artist – just enjoy the process. In fact, there’s no requirement to be a great artist at all. It doesn’t matter if you’re the worst painter in the world or nobody else likes your creations – as long as you enjoy painting, that’s all that matters.
Painting is a great way to relax, have fun and unleash your inner artist. These tips will help you get going and start painting like a pro.
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Executive Editor
Sarah looks after corporate enquiries and relationships for UKFilmPremieres, CelebEvents, ShowbizGossip, Celeb Management brands for the MarkMeets Group. Sarah works for numerous media brands across the UK.
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