Working a flexible schedule is part of the modern working world; most of us with 9 to 5 jobs have to be here, there, and everywhere on a regular basis, and that can make working to the best of your ability very hard. You don’t know if you’re coming or going, and if you’re new to the job, it can be hard to adjust!
But that’s where technology steps in to bridge the gap. A remote and flexible working arrangement can mean you’re always on the go, and having to take your business and all of its operations along with you. How do you ensure you can keep up, without the use of a state of the art office with all of the right technology and software around you? You use some nifty tech hacks like the ones we’ve listed below!
More and more people are in need of tools and kits that allow them to access the internet from anywhere in the world, as well as keep their devices charged for a full day’s work, whilst also allowing them to achieve a professional finish. If you find yourself in a similar position, of course you’re going to want to know about the most cutting edge, yet affordable bits of tech that are currently available to you.
So, if you’re new to the world of working for yourself, and you have a pretty packed schedule that means you’ve got keep moving, here are some of the most useful suggestions you could put to good use.
Pack up your bag right for a full day’s work and you won’t run into any trouble!
Something for the Car
Your car is the main way you’re going to be getting about, when it comes to doing business on the go. Sure, you might take a plane every now and then, and you might have to use the train to commute, but whenever you can, you’re going to be taking your own vehicle. After all, it’s one of the most comfortable ways to travel, and it’s a space that’s entirely your own! And because of that, you might want to get a bit of tech for the car that’ll help you to keep your operations moving whilst you’re on the move.
Your car could very well be your own little office on the go – you’re going to want all of the modern necessities, like a phone holder, a power bank to be used in there, and even a signal booster on the dashboard might do the trick. Just a few accessories for the console of your moving office will make a lot of difference in running your business away from your central hub!
If you’re in an area with poor connectivity, the latter alone can help you to keep running costs down (you won’t have to pay for more data, or rely on another provider to get you the bars you need). Don’t forget about your vehicular needs whilst you’re trying to put a remote working situation together.
A Tablet Keyboard
A tablet is one of the best things to use when you’re running your business on the go; after all, tablets are a lot less to carry compared to a laptop and the entire bag you need to put it in. You can slip a tablet in your regular satchel or backpack, and the chargers are a lot easier to carry too! There’s no cumbersome power bank you need to contend with, and you can plug the USB slot straight into most wall sockets around the world.
Tablets also have the capability of standing up on their own, if they have a detachable back, or you’ve invested in a case that allows you to do this. And there’s one other bit of kit that helps a smart tablet to work better than any other portable computer you could take on your travels: a tablet keyboard.
Because if you want to make your tablet easier to use on a long term basis, and to use for long form content, you’ll want to invest in some kind of tablet keyboard. You’ll find it easier to type, and much faster to do so too, so any minutes or notes you need to take down can be down in minutes. You won’t struggle along trying to keep pace with the meeting or the conference around you.
A SIM Card with Good Coverage
If you’re going to conduct business on the go, you’re going to need some kind of connection to the grid, no matter where you are in the world. And when you don’t have wifi out on a countryside drive, or you don’t have a stable connection within that conference hall, you’re going to need something else to rely on. And that’s where a new SIM card with good 3G, 4G or even a bit of 5G coverage comes in.
Because your phone acts as a little portal into your world and the rest of the world around you; it’s one of the best ways to stay in touch at all times, and they’re also super easy to carry around with you. Pop a internet access specialised SIM card in your phone whenever you’re off on a long haul trip, or you’re just hopping from one town to another nearby, and you’ll never worry you’re off the grid and cannot be contacted. And when you’ve got a business to run for 8 hours a day (at the least!), that’s a huge weight off!
Invest in something like a smarty sim card; something that adheres to your needs, without a contract to hold you in place, with plenty of data on top of this. And seeing as this is a business expense, you might want to find yourself a SIM card that piles any of your unused data back on top of what you can use the next month, or even just gives you the money back.
A Way to Record a Conference, Meeting, or Networking Event
If you’re going to be regularly on the road, going from conference to meeting, from meeting to networking event, and back around on the cycle, you can’t just rely on your memory or your ability to take notes on pen and paper. You’re going to get tired, and your attention is going to wane from time to time, and you’re going to need some tech on your side to make sure you can still keep up with the revolving business world around you.
If you want to be lugging all kinds of notepads and hundreds, if not thousands, of lines of notes around with you, here’s to you. But there’s a good chance you won’t get everything down, and you’ll have forgotten the context surrounding your notes by the time you get back around to going through them.
So, make sure you bring some kind of recorder along with – maybe a voice recorder, if you’re someone who learns quite well through audio. But if not, make sure you have a camera recorder with you; of course, it may require special permission from organisers and/or speakers to use, but if you’ve been personally invited and you know you’re good friends with most of the other guests in attendance, it’ll be no problem to set a camcorder up on your desk and film the entire thing.
A Device Charger
Of course, this could be just another car accessory that would be good for you to invest in, but it deserves its own little section on this list of on the go business tech. Because when you have a charger in your pocket at all times, you’re going to always have a way to stay connected, and you’ll never be worried about your battery life.
You can find a list of the best, most versatile and hardy device chargers right here if you’re not sure where to start.
And if you get your hands on a charger than can be used both in the wall and in the car, you’ll be able to charge up no matter where you are. Using your car’s battery to help charge up a laptop, smartphone, or smart tablet can be a real lifesaver when you’re stuck down some back roads and it’s getting late, or if you’ve got another meeting to get to and only 20% on your phone!
Business On the Go? It Doesn’t Have to Be a Struggle!
Keep that in mind the next time you need to hit the road for your company – if you’ve got the right tech on your side, you’re going to have a great time, with little to no worries in the back of your mind.
You’ll be able to keep up better than before, record everything you do when away from your desk, and this can be a real boon for business! You can show your employees the great advice and business directions they’ve missed out on, which further goes to boost your business.
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