How Monitoring Data Can Help Get You A Raise

If you’ve worked in the corporate world before, you know how easy it can be to waste the entire workday without getting anything done. Before computer screens dominated the workplace, pretending to work was even easier and harder to spot. Unless asleep, you would be safe from the manager’s stare in your cubicle, pretending to work. Nowadays, most knowledge workers are screen-based and thus easy to track with the help of technological solutions.

Before simple time tracker systems, businesses used spreadsheets or other paper-backed systems. The infamous punch cards were the first prototype that brought us close to the modern monitoring solutions of today.

In this article, you’ll find out what monitoring data is, and how to use it to your advantage when negotiating career advancement.

What Is Tracking Software?

Time tracking software collect, organize, and analyze monitoring data from employees during work hours. Monitoring solutions functions through screenshotting or screen-recording, web/app usage tracking, and other special system functions. 

Apart from providing employees with proof of work, this data help managers understand their employees and how they work better. The better a manager understands their employees, the better decisions they will make for both employees and the company.

Depending on the solution, it can have added features that provide even greater employee insight and better security. Some examples are keylogging, breach prevention, and USB blocking.

Common benefits of monitoring tools include:

  • Higher employee performance and reliability through simple, accessible employee data.
  • Abidance of company security policies and data protection.
  • Better resource allocation, time organization, and greater organizational success.
  • Higher potential for scalability and company expansion.

Employee tracking, as we know it now, does so much more than solely keeping track of attendance. It monitors, analyzes, and reports on all employee activity during the work day. This tool guarantees employee productivity and helps keep the company safe.

3M and SAP abandoned yearly performance reviews and embraced continuous performance management techniques. This switch helped enterprises gain better insight into how their business is actually functioning. Trends and irregularities are easy to recognize and deal with thanks to this tool. This leaves more room to make better, smarter corporate decisions. Frequent data-driven reporting is key to the success of companies across industries.

Monitoring data confirmedly saves companies money and managers time, but it’s also useful when it’s time to ask for a raise or a promotion. 

Monitoring Data Helps Determine When You Should Ask For A Raise

Sometimes, the only way to get a salary increase or a promotion is to ask. Even though it’s completely acceptable and normal to ask for a raise, most people recoil at the thought of doing this. Asking your supervisor for a raise can seem intimidating or awkward, but it doesn’t have to be – thanks to data.

Some say it’s never a good time to ask for a raise, but screen monitoring software claims otherwise. We have already established that monitoring data helps managers create fair employee appraisals. Monitoring data is objective, transparent, and can’t lie or trick anyone. Therefore, it can lead to a raise the moment the gathered data showcases your professional advancements and new skills you’ve mastered. 

Analyze your performance data beforehand and map out all your relevant accomplishments. This is how you should prepare for the conversation with your manager. Schedule a meeting with them and make sure that you give them enough time to review your request. Use data-backed information as talking points in your salary negotiations.

The higher the quality of data you present your manager with, the higher the chances that you will receive a raise. Don’t forget to describe the positive ways in which your work affected your team (or company). If possible, try to list quantifiable achievements or relevant statistics that showcase this change.

Of course, it helps if you approach your manager in a professional yet confident manner.

The Power Of Monitoring Data

Monitoring data has the power to highlight a potential problem area for a worker and to uncover unique opportunities for growth. Employee tracking data can help shine a light on your total performance, making it easier to discern whether it’s time for a promotion or challenge.

Frequent reports will give you a more complete overview of how you actually work and it will help you understand yourself better. Through recurring reporting, you can see your career progress much clearer. With your manager, you can use data to identify areas of your career that you want to improve or further develop.

The added transparency continuous reviews offer doesn’t just come in handy when it’s time to ask for a raise. It helps both workers and managers define better future goals, and pinpoint areas that need some correction or more support. This helps create a cohesive work environment that promotes collaboration and growth.

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Cliff Morton


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