The Big Bang Theory is a popular television show that aired from 2007 to 2019. It is a sitcom that follows the lives of four socially awkward scientists and their interactions with their neighbors and friends. The show was created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady and was set in Pasadena, California. It was a critical and commercial success, and it won multiple awards during its run.
The main characters of the show are Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper, two physicists, and their friends Howard Wolowitz, an aerospace engineer, and Raj Koothrappali, an astrophysicist. The show also features Penny, a aspiring actress who lives across the hall from Leonard and Sheldon, and Bernadette, Howard’s girlfriend (and later wife). Do you have any specific questions about The Big Bang Theory?
When The Big Bang Theory ended, many pointed the finger at its star, Jim Parsons, who made the decision to leave the show. In the wake of the series finale, Parsons’ co-stars would speak about being blindsided by his decision. They would also talk about disliking the way the decision was handled.
However, Parsons has recently come out to share his thoughts on the matter. While his view on the matter might surprise some fans, the actor is now taking the time to work on projects that mean something to him.
Jim Parsons’ Big Bang Theory Exit Was Met With Some Controversy
The Big Bang Theory ran for 12 seasons and won several Emmys. The show was and still is hugely popular among audiences. Even though audiences would’ve stuck around for more episodes, the show ultimately reached its conclusion in 2019.
In Jessica Radloff’s book, “The Big Bang Theory: The Definitive, Inside Story of the Epic Hit,” lots of behind-the-scenes details are revealed. Among them are how Jim Parsons’ departure from the series impacted its end altogether. There were also the feelings of co-stars Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco, who say they weren’t expecting Parsons to walk away.
Cuoco said that the cast cried for hours at the meeting where Parsons announced his departure. Producers announced the show’s end at the same meeting. Galecki said that he didn’t like how the meeting was handled. Both actors said the news blindsided them, since they thought they were going to renew their contracts.Instar
Parsons said that he is pleased with his decision to leave the show. However, he also notes that he feels bad about how it effected his co-stars.
“It’s never nice to hear that you’ve done anything that’s even accidentally made somebody angry or feel bad,” he said. “But I was doing what I had to do, and that was the best way for me to handle it. To be honest, we weren’t the kind of group that I felt needed to have a group meeting in that way.”
He went on to say that he didn’t think his departure would spell the end of the series.
“I can’t say I was surprised, but I equally would not have been surprised if it had gone on,” Parsons added. “There was part of me that had a sense of delight that it might go on without me! But that isn’t what happened.”
Jim Parsons Continued On With A New Film, ‘Spoiler Alert,’ Based On An Acclaimed Memoir
One of the privileges Parsons’ departure from The Big Bang Theory has afforded him is the ability to work on other projects. In 2020, Parsons starred in Ryan Murphy’s remake of the classic film The Boys in the Band. The film starred all openly gay actors, which were also featured in the 2018 Broadway revival of the 1968 Off-Broadway play.
Parsons is now starring in a new film titled Spoiler Alert, based on the acclaimed memoir by journalist Michael Ausiello. It tells the story of Ausiello’s romance with his husband Kit Cowan from the time they met in 2002 until Cowan died of cancer in 2015.
One of the reasons Parsons was attracted to the role was due to the realistic way the development of the relationship is portrayed.
“It shows a very realistic view of what it is to live a life together,” said Parsons. “I feel like I’ve spent so much of my life seeing movies that depict that, but they’re not normally about a gay couple. Both as a viewer — but especially as an actor — the chance to be a part of these scenes with these subtle complications at times was really rewarding.”
Jim Parsons’ Own Experience With Grief Helped Him With His Role
Another reason Parsons was drawn to the film was because of his own experiences with grief. Ausiello’s parents both died when he was still a child and Parsons lost his father in a car accident in 2001. He said that the experience caused him to develop an interest in stories that face the issue of mortality.
“I do have that realization that eventually we will all be gone,” Parsons said.”Part of that is just who I am, but I do think it’s also affected by having lost my father at a fairly young age — I was in my twenties when he passed. You can’t help but get a different view of life when you’ve lost people who were so close to you. Even if you live a long life, you always know that it’s a limited time that you have here.”
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