Saving Money on Your Next Big Technology Purchases

We all know that technology can be extremely expensive these days. Whether it’s a smartphone, games console or a laptop, you can expect to pay hundreds if not thousands for some of the latest technology. While expensive, it’s often necessary to pay for things such as a new smartphone because we rely on them so much.

Be it to pay for a train ticket, to access our emails or even just to keep in touch with our friends and family, smartphones have become an essential tool in our daily life.

With this in mind, you might want to consider looking for a coupon to reduce the cost of your next major purchase. Nowadays, major retailers like Lowe’s sell a wide range of unique technology products including smartphones, power banks, and chargers so do not be afraid to do some research to find a coupon that could save you some money. Simply researching online for a Lowe’s coupon on a couponing website like Raise could be all it takes to grab yourself a bargain. Coupons are not the only way to get the products you need at a good price though.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways for you to saving money on technology if you know how to. In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to walk you through some of the easiest ways to save money on your next big tech purchase so you have an easier time managing your finances.

Before you buy; how to make sure your purchase is going to be worthwhile There are a couple of steps to take before you even put your money down on something. Mainly, you should be focusing on research to ensure that you’re buying something that is worth your time and suitable for your needs. Write down your needs

First, write down your needs and why you want to buy some new tech. If your reason for buying the latest laptop or smartphone is just because you want the latest upgrade, then that’s fair reasoning and you can skip this part. However, if you’re buying it for more practical purposes such as work, then you should ideally write down your needs and must-have features. You can also write some nice-to-have features as a bonus for when you compare different devices like smartphones.

Starting Googling

Your best friend when doing research is Google. Since you should have a general idea of what kind of device you’re looking for, you should be able to search for the item plus features that you’re looking for.

For instance, if you need a smartphone with dual sim card slots for business purposes, then you can search “smartphone dual sim card”. If your needs also include a price range, then you can add keywords such as “budget” or “affordable”. The key here is to mix in keywords with the tech that you want to buy to narrow down the range of choices.

Once you’ve found a couple that fit your needs, create a shortlist and then keep those in consideration. You may also want to see if there are newer or older models that also fit your needs. This is common as new phone upgrades tend to arrive every year, so there’s always the option of buying an older model or waiting for a newer one.

Read written reviews on multiple websites

Written reviews tend to be in-depth insights into the technology you buy. For laptops and computers, it’ll go through all of the specs and give you benchmarks to show how well it performs. For smartphones, they might compare some of the features to other devices in the same class. Most written reviews on reputable websites are impartial to some degree. For example, you can find an unbiased Voxi review that goes into detail regarding mobile providers that can pair well with the latest smartphones. This is a great way to see which provider truly gives you the best deal.

Look at video reviews as well

Video reviews are a fantastic way to get a good look at the device and how it works. Video reviews can be a little biased since the reviewer is judging it based on their personal needs, so always take these with a grain of salt.

Check out comparison videos

Comparison videos are fantastic if the person you’re watching is reputable and unbiased. We wouldn’t recommend comparison websites because they tend to be automatically generated or influenced by users who are usually biased.

Would you wait for a future upgrade?

There’s also the option of waiting for a future upgrade if you’re not concerned about getting the device right away. As new versions of laptops and smartphones are released every year, it’s actually a smart idea to give it some time.

Examine the sales history for the item

Lastly, examine the sales history for the item. Look at price history websites and search your item to see if it’s been cheaper in the past. You can also get a general idea of when the item goes on sale and if there are upcoming events or occasions that can make it cheaper.

Finding the right place to buy the tech

Next, we’ll have a look at where you can buy your tech. Most people simply go to their nearest store for convenience, but you could save quite a lot of money by looking at some alternatives.

Buying straight from the manufacturer or brand

The first option is to buy straight from a manufacturer or brand. For example, if you’re looking for an iPhone then you can buy it straight from Apple’s website. If you want to buy a certain laptop, then the manufacturer’s website usually has all of the different models and will allow you to configure it to your needs by picking different parts. This is generally the best way to purchase a technology product since it’ll come with a warranty and a few extras direct from the brand.

Buying from a retail store

You can also purchase from a retail store. This is generally the most convenient option since you can walk in the store and walk out with the item. You could even save some money if the device you’re looking for is a little older or outdated. This also comes with the advantage of being able to play with the device for a bit to get a feel for its features.

Buying from an online retailer

You could also buy from an online retailer. This usually doesn’t offer many advantages but you often get bundle deals that the retailer has put together, such as including headphones with a gaming laptop or a case with some headphones. You can usually find tech items on sale from online retailers, especially if it’s an occasion such as Prime Day.

Buying from online marketplaces

Marketplaces such as Depop or eBay are also great ways to save money on your tech. However, you need to be aware of scam sellers and people that don’t disclose all the information about the tech. For example, it could have hardware issues that they’re not talking about. If possible, ask to see the tech in working condition before you buy from a marketplace. Thankfully, you can request a refund from payment processors if you think you’ve been misled.

Buying refurbished

Refurbished can also be a great way to save money if it’s an option. This usually works with televisions, game consoles, laptops and smartphones. You’ll need to look for refurbished items on online marketplaces or check if the brand itself has a section for low-price refurbished goods. These tend to be extremely reliable since they’ve been checked thoroughly and have had parts replaced for longevity. You’ll also be doing the planet a favour by using refurbished technology!

Buying from a friend or family member

Lastly, you could always buy from a friend or family member. This often entitles you to some huge discounts and you can always speak to them to see the item before you purchase it.

Maintaining your technology to ensure it continues working

Lastly, we’re going to offer a couple of small tips to help you prolong the life of your technology.

  • Make sure you buy protective accessories! This includes a case, screen protector or skin to keep it safe.
  • Look after the internals of your device. Make sure to clean out the dust if it’s a computer or laptop and be wary of overheating, especially if your device is known to have heat issues.
  • If you’re worried about losing your tech item then make sure you get insurance. This can be relatively cheap if you shop around for different quotes.
  • Learn to do a few simple fixes and repairs. For example, replacing the battery on an iPhone is possible from home if you follow a battery replacement guide and purchase the right parts and tools.
  • Follow some simple advice to keep your items in good condition. For example, don’t throw them around since it could lead to scuffs, make sure you remove any unwanted programs to free up space and don’t leave it charging overnight since it could reduce the life of the battery.

The goal here is to just keep your tech running well and in good condition. If you look after it, you could net a decent amount of money selling it in the future. That money can then go towards newer technology, thus saving you even more money on future purchases!

We hope that this guide has helped you think more carefully about purchasing tech and has given you some useful advice on how to save money.

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Mark Meets
Mark Meets
MarkMeets Media is British-based online news magazine covering showbiz, music, tv and movies

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